(Washington Composite Electric) Philippine President President President Macco reiterated that if the Taiwan Strait will occur in the future, the United States will not use the Philippine military base to launch a "offense" to China.

Society on Thursday (May 4) in a speech at the Washington Think Tank Strategy and International Research Center said that the Bayeng government in the United States has never proposed the possibility of the Philippine military base as "the source of an attack on any country".sex.

When Chinese Foreign Minister Qin Gang visited the Philippines at the end of April, Magaks had guaranteed to him that the Philippines let the United States use these bases, not to attack any country.

Patt. Soccus said on Thursday: "I assure him that these bases are not used to launch an attack to combat anyone or any country -not targeting China, nor to any other country."

In February this year, the United States and Philippines agreed to expand the 2014 US -Philippine strengthening of defense cooperation agreements. Four military bases in the Philippines were used for U.S. forces. Three of them were located in the northern part of Luzon Island.It is only about 400 kilometers from Taiwan.The Chinese ambassador Huang Xilian expressed dissatisfaction with this.

With these four bases, the United States has increased to nine bases in the Philippines.

Some analysts pointed out that Washington regards the Philippines as potential rockets, missiles and artillery system deployments to prevent mainland China from launching amphibious attacks on Taiwan.

However, Magaks emphasized on Thursday that the purpose of the United States and Philippines expanded the strengthening of defense cooperation in February this year, not to allow the U.S. military to attack any country from the Philippines base.He also said that the United States did not require the Philippines to provide troops during the war in the United States and China due to the outbreak of Taiwan.

He said that the Philippine foreign policy is based on peace, and the Philippines has no interest to "provoke" China.He also revealed that Manila is still seeking a hotline with Beijing to ensure that the dispute in the South China Sea will not be upgraded.

Philippines agree with the United States, Australia, Japan and South Korea to patrol in the South China Sea

Pagoda further explained in an interview with Reuters that Meifei signed an agreement on strengthening the defense cooperation in 2014 to strengthen the response and response to disaster, but if the background war broke out, these military bases could be evacuated in evacuationWhen he was in Taiwan, he came in handy.

"The tension of the Taiwan Strait seems to continue to intensify, and the security of people in Taiwan is attractive ... If that terrible situation happens, these military bases will prove their use."

Magaks also said that Manila agreed in principle that he would be patrolling in the South China Sea with the United States, Australia, and Japan.Maintain the freedom of HNA China.

He also revealed that the Philippines was also discussing with the United States and Japan to conclude a three -sided defense treaty, but he did not provide further details.

On the other hand, while the opposition criticized the President of the Philippine President, the opposition tried to wash his father's old Macos's 20 -year dictatorship and corruption.The focus of Filipinos.

He told Reuters that the Philippine people cannot keep the social struggle for decades.

"The opposition will try the old things, of course, we must be responsible to the voters. The voters have made a clear and loud response to this issue ... This is not something that the Philippines think they must be discussed. What we need to discuss is the livelihood., Work, education and economy ... we should worry about the future, not the past. "