President of the Philippines Markis this year he agreThe United States uses more Philippine military bases to "offensive operations" for any country.

Reuters reported that Magaks said on Thursday (May 4) in a think tank in Washington that he showed this to Chinese officials in recent talks.He said that the United States did not require the Philippines to provide troops when the United States started the war with mainland China in the United States.

Little Marco told the Strategy and International Research Center that the 2014 strengthening of defense cooperation agreements allowing the Philippine base in 2014 was conceived to cope with the impact of climate change.He said: "Chinese Foreign Minister has just met with me. I told him that I also assured him that these are not intended to attack as a military base, take action against anyone or any country, not China, not any country."

Pagota said that the "offensive operation" will be used to "offensive operations" beyond the scope of the Philippines and the United States.He also pointed out that the United States has never proposed that these bases may use these bases as "gathering places" for any country's offensive operations.

Under the leadership of Marco, the relationship between Manila and Washington has been deepened. He allowed the U.S. military to enter four other bases in February. China said that this was "poured on the fire on the tension of the region.Oil".Experts said that the United States regards the Philippines as a potential place for rockets, missiles and artillery systems to fight against the amphibious invasion of mainland China.

The US Secretary of Defense Austin said after the US -Philippine Defense Minister and Foreign Minister's meeting last month that it was too early to discuss which assets in the Filipino base in the Philippines base.