U.S. Secretary of State Brosky said that he hopes to re -arrange to visit China this year.He was originally scheduled to visit Beijing in February this year, but it extended his schedule after an incident in China's high -air balloon flying into the United States.

According to the actual records issued by the official website of the US State Department, at the World News Freedom Day event held on Washington Post on Wednesday (May 3), the host asked whether the host wants to re -arrange to visit China this year.The question said, "Yes, and I think this is important, just as President Biden said at the meeting with President Xi Jinping at the end of last year at the end of last year, we must re -establish a fixed setting between levels and government departments at all levels and government departments.Communication channels.

Brinken said that the United States is competing with China. This is not a secret, but the United States hopes to ensure that this competition will not evolve into conflict.

Brintken also mentioned that countries around the world not only faced Washington, but also issued signals to Beijing and the United States to manage bilateral relations responsibly.He said: "We need to set the bottom line for this relationship. We need to add some guardrails to it. The way to do this is to pass contact."

Previously, the British Financial Times was April 15th, April 15thDaily quoted four people in China and the United States who reported that China and the United States did not re -arrange the visits plan for Blingken, mainly to worry that the Federal Investigation Agency (FBI) would announce the results of the investigation of the Chinese balloon incident during his visit to China.Clarify how the Biden government will handle the relevant investigation report.

The person familiar with the matter said that the Chinese State Councilor and Foreign Minister Qin Gang March in Beijing's development of high -level forums in China mentioned this problem to the American officials participating in the meeting.It is said that Qin Gang pointed out that the FBI's survey is another example of Sino -US relations.U.S. officials emphasized that this crisis was caused by Chinese balloon flying over the United States.