(San Francisco/Hong Kong Reuters) The United States implemented a chip export ban last year to freeze China's development of supercuts for developing nuclear weapons and artificial intelligence systems like CHATGPT, but its impact on the Chinese technology industry has little effect.

In order to comply with the rules formulated by the United States, the US Semiconductor Corporation creates different types of chips for the Chinese market.Experts in the semiconductor industry said that when the latest Nvidia H800 chip is executed by some artificial intelligence tasks, the required time is expected to be extended by 10%to 30%, and the cost will be doubled than the fastest American chip.

However, this kind of slower American chip is also helpful for Chinese companies.Tencent, China Science and Technology Giant, it is estimated that the company's system has trained the largest artificial intelligence system with Nvidia H800 chip, which can reduce the training time from 11 days to four days.

People insiders in the US chip industry said that the ban on the officials of the United States faced a challenge, that is, how to not immediately disrupt the US supply of the Chinese chip market, but it can harm China's scientific and technological strength in the future.

The US chip export ban is implemented in two parts. The first is to set the specific upper limit of the chip calculation power. This is designed to limit the number of supercomputers used in military research.The second is to limit the transmission speed between chips and chips, which will affect artificial intelligence calculations.

Nvidia said in a statement last week that the U.S. government does not want to destroy competition or hurt American companies, so it allows US companies to supply business activities, such as providing cloud services for customers.

Nvidia also said that for American technology companies, China is an important market. Selling goods to this market will make work for Nvidia and its partners in the United States.