Said on Wednesday (May 3) of the US Department of Transport.The approved Chinese airlines increased from eight to 12 to 12 flights to China, which is equivalent to the number of airlines in the United States.

However, compared with the more than 150 round -trip flights per week before the crown disease epidemic, the distance between the aviation passenger transport between the two countries often has a journey.

According to Reuters, the US Department of Communications instructions say that its goal is to "gradually and more widely open the US -China aviation service market."After China canceled the border control of its national citizens in January, it first reopened foreign tourists in March.

The US Department of Communications said that after the cancellation of the crown disease restriction measures in China, US Airlines began to add two rounds of round -trip flights to Shanghai from Texas to Shanghai in March.

The US Department of Communications said that China's restrictions on air travel "have already" and will continue to have a devastating impact on the US -China aviation transportation market. "