A Chinese company tried to purchase the corn processing factory near the North Dakota Air Force Base in the United States, causing close attention from Washington.The White House will strengthen review of real estate transactions near the eight states.

According to Bloomberg News Saturday (May 6) quoted people familiar with the matter, the Ministry of Finance of the United States is advised to list the military base as a "sensitive facility" list to review these "sensitive facilities" around them aroundWhether the real estate trading will risk the national security.

The eight states with military bases include California, Texas, South Dakota, North Dakota, Iowa, and Arizona.If the above regulations pass, the jurisdiction of the Foreign Investment Commission will expand to real estate transactions within the range of 40 bases 100 miles (161 kilometers).

The US subsidiary of the Fangfu Group of China Food Processing Fufeng Group planned to purchase a corn wet mill processing plant in the north of Da Fox City, North Dakota, in October last October.This land is less than 20 miles from the Great Fox Air Force base with confidential drone technology, causing concerns that confidential technology may leak.The U.S. Air Force said in an open letter in February this year that the transaction was safe.The mayor of Dalvus also stopped the transaction in the same month.

With the tension of Sino -US relations, the issues of the Chinese people buying land ownership in the United States have also been upgraded to national security issues.In February of this year, Texas, the United States, plans to ban government, companies and individuals from the four countries, companies and individuals including China, Iran, North Korea, and Russia to purchase Texas Real Estate, causing local Chinese citizens to launch a parade protest.