(Washington Comprehensive News) The United States and the Philippines released a new principles of guiding the guidance of bilateral defense cooperation, agreed to expand joint military exercises and patrols in the South China Sea, and promote real -time military information sharing to cope with regional tensions.On Wednesday (May 3), the Philippine President President President President President, on Washington, with the US Secretary of Defense Austin in Washington, the Ministry of National Defense issued a new defense cooperation guidance principle, which stated that any party's armed forces include the Coast Guard. If "Facing signs of threats or discovery of armed attacks can seek support from the other party. "According to the new principles, the two countries will consolidate the cooperation covered by the United States and Philippine's joint defense treaty, including strengthening the coordination of the US -Philippine Alliance and bilateral planning, expanding information sharing, promoting the modernization of the Philippines, and deepening the cooperation between each other in the field of sea, land and air.

US support Philippines in the South China Shipbuilding Metal's legitimate rights cooperation is conducive to protecting Taiwan

The US Department of Defense issued a statement saying that the goal of the two countries is to "promote all bilateral security and defense cooperation to continue to focus on major regional security issues."The two countries will support the legitimate rights of the Philippines in the South China Sea through joint maritime joint activities including patrols.The two sides will also cooperate with other departments and institutions to promote real -time security information sharing to strengthen coordination between the two armies.

Some analysts pointed out that these guidelines are obviously paved for the possible emergencies of the South China Sea and the Taiwan Strait.The Biden government believes that deepening cooperation with the Philippines is conducive to the United States adopting action to protect Taiwan in an emergency.The talks between Marco and Austin were held in the Pentagon. It is rare for leaders of a country to visit the US Department of Defense, reflecting the urgency of both parties to strengthen defense cooperation.In addition, the Pentagon received the first visit to the United States with the highest -standard military parade.This is the first time since the Bayeng government has been in power, which has been treated this treatment, highlighting its attention to the Philippines Southeast Asian allies.At the opening, Austin guaranteed that Manila and Washington were not only allies, but also "a family."He reiterated that the promise made by the US President Biden on Monday (1st) when he met with Marco, that is, the United States would defend the Philippines regardless of whether in the South China Sea or other regions.

Magaks described that Philippine cooperation is the "call of the times", and the two countries must continue to communicate to jointly respond to the unprecedented challenges.

In response to the principle of new bilateral defense guidance in the United States and the Philippines, the Chinese Ministry of Foreign Affairs responded that the South China Sea is a common homeland in the regional country and should not be a hunting ground for out -of -domain forces.Chinese Foreign Ministry spokesman Mao Ning Mao Ning on Thursday (May 4) emphasized that China has resolutely opposed any country to intervene in the South China Sea with an excuse of bilateral treaties to harm Chinese territorial sovereignty and marine rights and interests.