U.S. senior officials to warn Congress to warn Chinese military forces increasing risks and emphasize that the United States needs to accelerate the development of hypersonic weapons.

According to Bloomberg News on Wednesday (April 19), the U.S. Indo -Pacific Command Commander and General of the Navy John Aquilino said on Tuesday (18th) that the United States needs to "faster" "faster"Develop and deploy hypersonic weapons that can be able to fly at low -altitude and high speeds and avoid radar detection.

Aquilino told the House of Representatives Military Commission that the speed and advanced ability of China's military power and the ability to show him were worried.

He called on the United States to accelerate the research and development and deployment of hypersonic weapons. "For this way, we can go faster."Assistant Minister Jedidiah Royal said that China is committed to "prominent and rapid expansion" nuclear force and promotes "rapid technical changes" in the fields of biotechnology.He pointed out that "these technologies can be applied to biological and chemical weapons."

Evidence of Chinese behavior constitutional risks, Royer rushes Chinese aircraft and marine ships to the US and allies' military assets"Dangerous interception" and Beijing's high -altitude balloon reconnaissance operations.

He said that Beijing "lacks interest in important communication channels for supporting stable national defense relations."

He also mentioned that after the suspected Chinese spy balloon that shot down in the United States in the United States in February, the Chinese Defense Minister refused to talk to the US Minister of Defense Austin.

A senior official of the Ministry of National Defense also said that the leadership of the Chinese military has repeatedly rejected the call requirements made by Miri, the chairman of the co -chief of staff.