At the meeting of the World Trade Organization Council Trade Council from April 3rd to April 4th from April 3rd to April 4th, China'sRihe clarifies whether there is a restriction agreement.

According to CCTV news reports, the World Trade Organization Council of Trade Council held a meeting from April 3rd to 4th local time.At the meeting, Chinese representatives said that there is no official information about this agreement exposed by the media.China inquires if the three World Trade Organization members exist?If you exist, should you notify members of the WTO and be reviewed by the WTO members?

Chinese representatives pointed out at the meeting that relevant members may clearly realize that the agreement violates the rules of the WTO, so it intentionally keeps the content of the agreement low -key.China believes that the agreement violates the principle of openness and transparency of the WTO, destroys the authority and effectiveness of the WTO rules, requires the United States, Japan and the Netherlands to report to the WTO to the WTO and follow the measures.Supervise.

Bloomberg quoted people familiar with the matter on January 27 that Japan and the Netherlands could reach an agreement with the United States as early as the day to form a powerful alliance to restrict China from obtaining advanced semiconductor manufacturing equipment, and to weaken the production capacity of Chinese construction chips.Don Graves, Deputy Minister of Commerce, then confirmed on January 31 that the United States has reached an agreement in Japan and the Netherlands.

Reporting pointed out that the US -Japan -Dutch agreement mainly expanded the export control measures taken by the United States in October last year to the Netherlands and Japan, including Dutch semiconductor equipment manufacturer, Asmore, and large -scale optical instruments in Japan.Manufacturer Nikon and semiconductor manufacturing giant Tokyo Electronics.