The U.S. government refutes China's claims that the United States curb its rise. A senior diplomat said that it is necessary to take more tough economic measures to create a "fair competitive environment".

According to Bloomberg, the US State Department, the Deputy Secretary of State Jose Fernandez, who is responsible for economic growth and energy, pointed out in an interview that there are so -called "leading enterprises" in China. These companies "can get special treatment", andIncluding not to pay rent, no taxes, and obtain various benefits, because the Chinese government uses them as the flagship company of industrial policy.

Fernandez said that the United States tried to closer the relationship between Asian allies and partners through policies including Indo -Pacific Economic Framework.The United States has been criticized for the regional comprehensive economic partnership Agreement (RCEP) that can ensure that the larger market access can be ensured.

He also emphasized that it is necessary to ensure that everyone competes in accordance with the same rules.

Fernandez also said that the United States is promoting new trade operations because many countries tell him that there is a vacuum. "We need to ensure that the vacuum is filled, otherwise others will fill us."He said that the United States hopes to develop a "new behavioral code", including both Asia and the Western Hemisphere.