The latest human rights report released by China exposes the truth of the United States' infringement of human rights.The report states that 2022 is a year when the human rights status of the United States.

According to the China News Agency, the State Council of the State Council of China issued a 2022 US human rights report on Tuesday (March 28) to expose the truth of the American infringement of human rights.The report is divided into preface, serious disability in the protection system of citizenship, increasingly hollowed by American election democracy, racial discrimination and inequality, increasing the basic survival crisis at the bottom, historic retrogression of women and children's rights, and deliberately violating human rights to trample on justice of human rights.Essence

The report said that 2022 is a year when the human rights status of the United States.In the United States that claims to be "human rights guards", money politics, racial discrimination, firearms, police violence, rich and poor differentiation, etc. are difficult to eliminate. Human rights legislative justice opens history, and the basic rights and freedom of the American people are further overhead.

Report pointed out that the United States is a country defined by extreme violence. The public is threatened by violent crimes and violent law enforcement. Citizens' personal safety is not guaranteed.The prisoners are overwhelmed and become a place for modern slavery, forcing labor and sexual exploitation to be commonplace.

The report shows that American democracy loses the foundation of public opinion.The cost of election in the United States has soared again, and the "black gold" donation secretly controls the direction of the election. Political polarization and social tear have made it difficult for democratic consensus to achieve, and people are generally desperate for American democracy.

The report emphasizes that American racism has intensified, and ethnic minorities have suffered from extensive discrimination; the life expectancy of per capita expectations has decreased significantly, and the number of drug abuse of drugs has continued to rise; children's living environment is worrying.Under the interaction of polarized economic distribution, racial conflict social structure, and the political pattern of capital interest group control, in recent years, it has further fallen into the quagmire of institutional failure, absence of governance, ethnic tearing, and social turmoil.

The report believes that American politicians who serve oligarchs not only have increasingly lost the subjective willingness and objective ability to respond to the basic demands of ordinary people and defend the basic rights of ordinary citizens, and to be unable to solve the structural illness of their own human rights issues.Instead, it is deliberately attacking other countries with human rights as a weapon, creating opposition, division and chaos in the international community, and has become a disruption and obstacle for global human rights development.