(Washington / Beijing / Hong Kong Comprehensive News) U.S. Ambassador to China Burns went to prison last week to visit three American citizens who have been imprisoned in China, including the United States, which was sentenced to 10 years in prison for spy in 2018 for 10 yearsLi Kai, a Chinese businessman.

According to Reuters, Li Kai's son Harrison Li (transliterated, Harrison Li) said on Friday (March 24) that Bernus visited his father on March 16th in Shanghai Prison.The board met for an hour.Berns wanted to shake hands with Li Kai, but not obtained the Chinese side.

Li Kai went to the United States after 1989, and once operated airplane parts export companies and gas stations.Chinese officials accused him of providing Chinese national secrets to the FBI in 2019.

Harrison said the most important information that Li Kai wants to convey is to remind the US government and the public that he is 100 % innocent.Harrison also called on the U.S. government to continue to work hard to release the release of his father.Li Kai said that after being released, he wanted to "work hard to improve US -China relations."

Anonymous US senior officials and prisoners' families revealed that in the past month, Bernus met with at least three U.S. citizens who have been detained by China by mistakes in China, including Mark Swidan and pastor David (David)Lin) is the first time in more than five years.Chinese officials were not allowed to explore the prison during the closure of the crown disease.

According to the Voice of the United States, Swidd was arrested in 2012, related to drug -related crimes, and was sentenced to death in 2019 for two years.David Lin was detained in 2006 and was charged with the contract to fraud in 2009 and was sentenced to life imprisonment.

Officials did not disclose the date of meeting Berns to meet with the above two people, but said it was "within the past few weeks" and said, "This is actually the first time he has a face -to -face meeting."

When Bernus visited the US prisoner, Sino -US relations are at a historical low.Family detained by Americans hopes that the government can handle citizens' arrest and other challenging issues in other Sino -US relations, focusing on humanitarianism.