American Profession Basketball League (NBA) all over the world all over the world all over the world all over the world all over the world all over the world all over the world all over the world all over the world all over the world all over the world.Famous, there are also vast fans in China.However, in the past two years, Chinese basketball enthusiasts have a local pursuit -Guizhou rural basketball competition known as "village BA".

Beginning in July 2022, a video about "Village BA" circulated on social media.

In the video, an open -air basketball court, the surrounding stands are densely full of the audience.People are holding pots and mineral water bottles as drums to cheer for the supported teams; players on the field, they know that they are not professional basketball players, but their hard work is unambiguous at all, and the competition is fierce.During the midfield rest time, the cheerleading team of the American cultural marks is not the same as the American cultural marks, but the characteristic song and dance of Chinese minority ethnic minorities.

Live commentator is not English, but constantly switch between Chinese Mandarin, Guizhou dialect and Miao language; the prize is not a trophy, bonus, but a cow, sheep, pig, and so on.

Some netizens described that the lively atmosphere of the game is comparable to the NBA scene, plus the "grounding" style of running the competition."" "."Although not at the scene, I can still feel it from the video, it's too burning!" "This is a game with Chinese characteristics!"

Chinese basketball superstar Yao Ming, who once played for the NBA team, also made publicSaid, if you have the opportunity to go to the scene to feel, you also laughed at himself: "Looking at a ticket from the scene, I'm not sure I can get a ticket."

Shun Wei's view, the video is far from showing the popularity of the game.He said in an interview with Sanlian Life Weekly that "only made three points.""Regardless of scores or lost points, the players are full of the audience, always shooting, and no one has ever applauded on the field."

Yao Shun Wei recalled that he kept the day from the afternoon to the next day.The crowd still did not dissipate. "Some people doze off and are reluctant to leave."

In addition to the audience on the scene, the number of accumulated viewers on the Internet also reported that the number of viewers on the Internet also exceeded 100 million, and more than 1 million people watched online at the highest peak.

"" "" "" "" Actor on March 25th "on March 25th"Before the start of the village BA ", the ethnic minority song and dance is performed.(Xinhua News Agency)

The "village BA" held in Taipan Village, Taipan Township, Taijiang County, Guizhou can be traced back to 1936.According to Xinhua Daily Telecom's report on August 22 last year, Taipan Village, which has a population of less than 1,200 people, held some sports events such as "bullfighting" and "bird fighting" every year in the "June 6th".In the end, basketball was inherited as the most widely involved event and the most recognition of the masses.

In order to hold a basketball game, every household in Taipan Village contributed, less than tens of yuan (RMB, the same below, the same, about 5.16 yuan for RMB), as many as thousands of yuan.

The competition is also spontaneously organized by villagers in Taipan Village.Xue Kaisheng, who quoted the villagers and one of the competitors of the villagers and one of the competitors in Guizhou Radio and Television, said that before and after the competition, the young people in the village will participate in the activities to organize activities and maintain order.

Xue Kaisheng also mentioned that after the "village BA" competition was hot, the stadium was too small, village capacity and other issues gradually emerged."Some audiences rushed over, but they went back without squeezing into the court. We also wanted to expand the stadium, but the funds were tight."

The Taipan Township government statistics last year, in the four -day match time,The average number of audiences in each game exceeds 15,000.Due to venue restrictions, there are more than 10,000 people who fail to enter the scene every day.

In order to make the stadium of the game more standardized and safer, Taipan Village has changed and expanded the "Village BA" stadium this year.Facilities, including media interviews, guests, guests' rests, athletes change their clothes and rest rooms, have also transformed public sanitary toilets, expanded existing parking lots and re -divided parking spaces.

Some netizens commented on this, "Such a big move, I believe it should be a potential economic interest."

, Photos of drones on the court.(Xinhua News Agency)

The villagers of Taipan Village and the "Village BA" commentator Wang Zaigui evaluated in the interview last year that during the "village BA" competition, dozens of booths around the stadium for the villagers to sell snacks;Some small stalls can earn 10,000 to 20,000 yuan a day.

According to elephant news reports, the influx of tens of thousands of fans has also led to the increase in consumer demand such as catering, accommodation, supermarkets, and agricultural products in Taipan Village.

The report quoted Xie's employees in the supermarket in the Taipan, saying that he never thought that the "human character ladder" would be sold.She explained that fans will stand on the ladder for a better vision.Some people buy adult diaper, because there are many people in the ball time, "I'm afraid that there is no place to come back to the toilet."

These are reflecting the large group of basketball enthusiasts in China.According to the China Basketball Development Report released by the end of 2021, China's basketball population is 125 million, and it is recognized as the first of the "three big goals".In China, "three big balls" refer to three collective ball movements: football, basketball and volleyball.

On the other hand, the reason why basketball is very popular in China is also related to the palace of NBA's world basketball.

The New York Times reported in October 2019 that basketball has a deep source in China, and Christian missionaries brought the sport to China at the end of the 19th century.In 1979, the Washington Bullet played two friendly matches with the Chinese military team in Beijing to become the first NBA team in China.

Later, then NBA president David Stern invited the Chinese National Basketball Team to visit the United States in 1985, known as the "NBA-China Friendship Journey".In 1990, the NBA signed the first large -scale accounting agreement with China Central Television to broadcast the NBA game in China.Since then, the NBA has become one of the must -see games for countless basketball fans in China, and has also become the ultimate goal of their round basketball dream.When Yao Ming was selected by the Houston Rockets in 2002, the basketball heat set off in China is the best example.

However, although the basketball population is large, the Chinese national men's basketball team performed unsatisfactory internationally, and the results continue to go downhill.

For example, all the five battles in the 2012 London Olympic Games were all lost, the first time the Chinese men's basketball team participated in the Olympic Games;No victory.In 2021, due to the poor performance in the World Cup, the Chinese men's basketball team lost the qualification to enter the Olympic Games directly, butIn the election, it also defeated successively. Since 1984, it has missed the Olympic Games for the first time since 1984.

In this regard, Sina Sports quoted the former basketball national player Ma Jian last July that the poor performance of the Chinese men's basketball team is actually a systematic problem.He analyzed: "From the level of technical and tactical, I believe that the development of Chinese basketball is far behind the speed of the world basketball.Continuous training and improvement. "

Ma Jian also said:" The world, I believe that only the United States is currently in the United States.And the world's selection show has formed the only systematicization. Look at the value cognition of each player of the NBA, the background of knowledge, and the professional level of management teams. It is not difficult to understand why our basketball is becoming more and more backward. "

For the development of Chinese basketball, Ma Jian also pointed out that it only depends on the national team is one -sided. The good training system is the basis for the progress of Chinese basketball in the future.

American Professional Basketball League (NBA)It is a men's professional basketball alliance consisting of 30 professional teams in North America and one of the four major professional sports alliances in the United States.(Agence France -Presse)

On the Chinese online question and answer platform, a user also wrote: "The future of Chinese basketball is not the so -called system reform and youth training, but in national basketballThe change of concept. Everyone knows that the men's basketball team is in the youth training and in talent training.The improvement of the system and the improvement of the training methods are cure the standards. The key to the urgent work is to build a top league and upstream basketball ecosystem. In other words, it is necessary to make the professionalism, commercialization, and exclusiveization of professional leagues.The establishment of a sound and synchronization of our youth grassroots leagues. "

From the official level, the" Fourteenth Five -Year "sports development plan issued by the State General Administration of Sports of China depicts the grand dream, including the five men's national teamStrive for the qualifications of the Paris 2024 Olympic Games, narrowing the gap with the world's strong team, the upgrade of the men's basketball professional league (CBA) brand, and the improvement of the construction of professional club echelons.But from reality, for ordinary people, this magnificent picture belongs to poetry and far away.

For thousands of fans, from the bottom up and spontaneous "village BA" from the bottom of the people, the popular scene of the original and grounded gas makes many people feel the basketballThe most sincere and hottest love is not from the distance, just in China, beside people.