Beijing Special Commissioner

Foreign -funded enterprises face higher politics, regulatory and business risks in China. China ’s technology independent strategy has also increased the uncertainty faced by foreign companies, making it more and more difficult for foreign companies to persuade the board of directors to increase investment in China;The President of the Trade National Committee, Allen called on China to more transparently implement the relevant data supervision policies and industrial policies to improve the overall business environment.

Craig Allen on Saturday (March 25) made the above statement at the sub -forum of the 2023 annual meeting of China Development Forum. Several Chinese economic experts also called on officials to improve regulatory methods and improve policy expected policies.To enhance market confidence.

China Development High -level Forum 2023 Annual Meeting was held in Beijing from March 25th to 27th. This is the first time after the forum was resumed offline after the outbreak of the crown disease epidemic in 2020. Many senior executives of Fortune 500 companies in the worldIt is also the first time to go to mainland China for three years.The forum focuses on economic issues and has always been regarded as an important platform for communication dialogue between Chinese senior management and international industry and commerce leaders.

China ’s strict epidemic prevention and control policy in the past three years has caused foreign investment to worry about the environment of the Chinese business business. It is reported that many foreign companies have considered shrinking or transferring investment in China during the epidemic.

Allen said that in addition to the epidemic, the politics, supervision and business risks of investment in China have increased.From the perspective of foreign companies, China's independent strategy in the field of science and technology is not clear on foreign companies.

China's 10 -year economic growth rate is expected to be between 2%and 5%; Allen said that in the face of rising costs and risks, and the declined economic growth rate, the CEO of foreign companies is becoming more and more difficult to persuade the board of directorsMastened investment in China.

Allen emphasized that even if facing these challenges, the United States and Chinese companies are very tough, and the US exports to China hit a new high last year.However, the efforts of China's economic growth, reform and epidemic situation have come to new important nodes after the development of the world after the reform and epidemic.

He urges China to implement more transparent supervision and measures in terms of data; in terms of industrial policy, especially in the technical field, it should also be more transparent and in line with international rules, so that companies in all countries have a fair competitive environment.EssenceHe also called on officials to maintain a better balance between state -owned enterprises and private enterprises.

Scholars: Chinese digital intelligence and other fields should be greatly improved

China's official measures in the fields of the Internet, real estate, private education and other fields have also attracted the attention of the outside world.

Bai Zhongen, Dean of the School of Economics Management of Tsinghua University, in another sub -forum, raised the field of digital intelligence and the field of green transformation as an example to explain the impact of official supervision on enterprises, and emphasizedEfficient investment, regulatory capabilities and regulatory methods must be greatly improved.

He explained that the distinctive characteristics of intelligence and digital technology are low marginal costs and high fixed costs; in this case, it will produce a common effect, and a few companies will become the leader of the market.Once the enterprise scale is large, it will definitely be affected by regulation.

Bai Zhongen pointed out that when companies consider investing, they will think: Once I succeed, I will be controlled, so how is the control?If you do not give investors and companies a relatively stable expectation, the enthusiasm of investment may be affected.

Ma Jun, deputy secretary -general of the Academic Committee of the Development Research Center of the State Council of China, tried to respond to external concerns. He said that after investigating various enterprises, he found that some of the demands of foreign companies were different from domestic enterprises, and emphasized that China should pay attention to these demands.

The policy suggestions proposed by Ma Jun include improving the predictability and transparency of the policy, the implementation of policies and regulatory implementation methods, optimizing technical standards and standardized inspection and certification management, in terms of encouraging innovation and market procurementAnd to accelerate the international standard in terms of digital economy.