U.S. media reports that multinational companies have discovered to compete in China, and it is helpful to arrange leadership and decision makers there.

According to the Wall Street Journal, these companies are given more autonomy in China, so that they can operate quickly and compete with local competitors in a huge and rapidly changing market in China.Putting more operations and control in China to help these companies use China as a major source of growth.

This move can also be exempted from the impact of some rising geopolitical risks and problems caused by remote decisions.During the three -year period when China ’s crown disease prevention and control is isolated from the outside world, the problems caused by remote decision -making have been amplified.

Reports pointed out that in recent years, Japan ’s Panasonic has more independent independence to Chinese business in recent years, and revives the strong style in the fields including household appliances and air -conditioning equipment.These businesses are responsible for a Japanese executive.

The report quoted Zhelang, who had served as the first person in charge of the above -mentioned reorganization business, said: "We chose to become a local company in China at that time ... Before that, we came from early in the morning.It will be reported to Japan in the evening. This operation cycle has changed completely, and our actions are more rapid. "

German Volkswagen also sent a board member from the headquarters to revive the company in China in Chinapromotion of.In the past few years, with the rise of Chinese competitors, the competition in the Chinese automobile market has intensified, and the growth of Volkswagen has stagnated, and a highest decision maker directly responsible for the Chinese market was trapped abroad during the epidemic.

The Wall Street Journal reports that the strategies of these companies are very different from some people's previous views. These people have regarded China as a world factory that exports to global products and can remotely control the business in China.However, as China closes the border during the epidemic, the supply chain is blocked, and the geopolitical relations between China and Western countries are becoming increasingly tense, and the operation management relationship between overseas companies and business in China has become more complicated in recent years.

A survey conducted by the Shanghai American Chamber of Commerce in October last year showed that 44%of the 307 members who made the response said that they were promoting the strategy of "operating Chinese business with Chinese thinking".At the same time, 21%of the interviewed companies said they were in China to ensure exports to other parts of the world.