(Beijing, Taiwan Comprehensive News) The Chinese military pointed out that the US Milius missile destroyer once again broke into the Chinese territorial sea outside the Xisha Islands and was driven away by the Chinese Navy.

The Chinese Ministry of Defense on Friday (March 24) pointed out on the WeChat public account that the Milius illegally broke into the Xisha collar sea again without the approval of the Chinese government that day.The theater of the People's Liberation Army was tracked and monitored and warned.

A spokesman for the Ministry of National Defense Tan Kefei said that the US military's acts seriously violated China's sovereignty and security, and it was serious that the United States would immediately stop such provocative acts, otherwise it would bear serious consequences of unexpected incidents.

This is the second consecutive day that the Chinese military pointed out that the US warship broke into China's territorial sea.

According to Reuters, the U.S. Navy's Seventh Fleet issued a statement on Friday that (China Pay) South China Sea illegal and excessive marine claim appeals, andAnd the free economic interests of the coastal countries of the South China Sea constitute a serious threat.The U.S. Navy said that the U.S. military acts every day in the South China Sea.

This is a confrontation between China and the United States in the South China Sea for two consecutive days.Tian Junli, a spokesman for the South Theater's theater, also refers to Millyz that Milly broke into the Xisha collar sea on Thursday (23rd).The U.S. Navy refuted the same day and stated that destroyers were exercising their navigation rights and freedom.

Taiwan media: The PLA frigates Hengchun Waiwai was driven away by the Taiwan Army

According to the Taiwan Liberty Times, the PLA frigates "Tongren" was also driven away by the Taiwan Navy's "Field Single" frigates when they lived in the sea of Hengchun.The Tian Dan number mentioned in the broadcast that "If you insist on entering my 24 miles of neighboring area, I will be forced to take away the operation." The Tongren responded to "Taiwan is an indispensable part of China.Keep a safe distance with me. "

After the broadcast of the field number several times, the dissection is invalid, and the tactical interception is changed.The Tongren is also broadcast on the Tian Single number: "I now marched to 035, and I slowed down from me." The two sides eventually staggered at a very close distance.