The US Enterprise Due to investigate the company Mintz Group Mintz Group on Thursday (March 23) that its Beijing office was searched by the Chinese government, and five Chinese employees have been detained.

Mintz Group said in an email statement to Reuters: "We can be sure that Chinese officials have detained five employees of the Beijing Office of Mintz Group.Close our business there. "

Statement said that the company did not receive any official legal notice on the company's case and asked Beijing to release official employees.The company is also preparing to cooperate with Beijing to solve any misunderstandings that may lead to these events.

A non -name source said the company's local legal consultant revealed that the assault search operation occurred on the afternoon of March 20, and the employee was isolated from a certain place outside Beijing.

According to the company's official website information, Mintz Group has 18 offices worldwide, and the Beijing Office is the only office of the company in mainland China.Mintz Group is engaged in background surveys, facts collection and internal investigations.

Mintz Group's news of the search and detention of the group was reported, Beijing is preparing to hold a three -day China Development Forum from Saturday. The representatives of the executives of multinational companies and international organizations will be the meeting.More than 100 overseas representatives.

An American businessman said that the incident that Mintz Group issued a "significant signal", that is, the Chinese government hopes to get foreign funds and technology, but it will not accept the credible American company to China to China.Partners or business environment conduct due diligence.