On the eve of the United States held the second Global Democratic Summit, China held the Democratic International Forum again; Li Shulei, a member of the Political Bureau of the Communist Party of China and the Minister of Propaganda Department of the Central Committee, did not name the US democratic model on the forum.

He said: "Whether it is the mandatory output of the country's democratic model, carrying out the so -called democratic transformation of other countries, or under the banner of democratic confrontation, to gather its so -called values alliance, provoking split confrontation is the trampling of the spirit of democracy., I ca n’t get people's hearts, endless harm. "

The United States will hold the second Global Democratic Summit from the 29th to 30th of this month, and China will also hold the second international forum with the second theme "Democracy: All Human" on Thursday (March 23).

In the past two years, China has compared with the United States on democratic issues to compete for global democratic discourse.On the eve of the US Democratic Summit in 2021, China also held the same theme of the democratic international forum.

Li Shulei gave a keynote speech on the forum on Thursday many times and criticized the United States.He said: "Individual powers pursue unilateralism, power politics ... often to curb blocks and pressure on other countries, which seriously threatened regional and global security and stability."

He also said, "the big country must have the appearance of a big country."

This Monday (20th), China and the United States just started a round of confrontation on democratic human rights issues.The Chinese Ministry of Foreign Affairs issued the annual human rights report on the same day in the United States, and released more than 10,000 words of democratic situation reports in the United States in 2022, accusing the United States of its own problems, and still stands high, refers to painting and acting as a "democratic teacher".The United States lists China ’s extension of human rights last year in the human rights report.

Thursday forums invited more than 300 people from more than 100 countries and international organizations to attend the meeting.Some analysts believe that China has once again held a democratic international forum, showing that as comprehensive national strength increases, China will fight for a long time in the United States in competing for global democratic discourse.