China will hold an attractive corporate summit in Beijing this weekend to show the world's economic situation in an orderly manner.However, there are not many US company executives in the list of participants.

According to Bloomberg, the three -day China Development High -level Forum will be held on Saturday (March 25) in Beijing.The organizer of the forum stated that 100 foreign representatives from industries such as finance, energy, biopharmaceuticals and consumer goods signed up.This is the first time that the forum has resumed offline since 2019.

According to the preliminary list of participants seen by Bloomberg, Apple's Tim Cook, Pfizer's Albert Barra and other companies plan to attend, but most of the companies confirmed to attend the company, but most of the companies confirmed to attend the company.Not an American company.

A company executive who knows the idea of executives said that although the US company may not be the biggest lineup in the past few years, this year's lineup showsThe activity remains low -key because worrying will attract unnecessary attention in the United States.

At least three people familiar with the matter revealed that specifically, the company does not want to be the goal of the newly established CCP Special Committee of the House of Representatives in the United States.The committee was chairman of the Wisconsin Republican Republicans Mike Garagel.Because they were not authorized to publicize, these people demanded anonymous.

One of the people familiar with the matter said that the Chinese President Xi Jinping visited Moscow this week and was enthusiastic from Russian President Putin, which also worried that American company executives were worried.Putin has just been accused of committing war by the International Criminal Court.

Tan Sen, chairman of the Shanghai American Chamber of Commerce, said: "For enterprises, the expectations of consumers and stakeholders at home and abroad are increasingly challenging. In some cases, this may affect thisThe decision to visit China. "

There are not many American companies representatives in the propaganda materials of the organization.The forum released a video of 15 large enterprise executives expressing optimistic information, such as Bitor Tower, Lito, HSBC, Standard Chartered, and Nestlé. As of Thursday, Boston Consulting was the only American company.

Other American company executives on the preliminary list of participants include Dalin Frean, the founder of the bridge water, Martin Frangen, the president of Jingshun, and Su Shimin, the CEO of Blackstone.

Other participants in the forum said that some American companies are avoiding letting their well -known CEOs attend, but instead of presenting a low -level senior executive to attend.Wang Huiyao, the founder of the global think tank headquarters in Beijing's policy research institution, said that his institutions will meet with several company representatives in the forum, including at least one Tesla representative.