China has contributed to the reconciliation of Iran and Saudi Arabia. In addition to shaking the United States' dominant position in the Middle East, it is also to ensure its energy security.If China can end the US military dominance in the Middle East, China's own energy supply will be safer.

Chen Guangyan, a professor of economics at Nanyang University of Science and Technology in Singapore on Thursday (March 23), pointed out at the "Interpretation of the Two Sessions" of Lianhe Zaobao and the joint business of China.Or the energy transfers to the Middle East, if the US military dominant position in the Middle East ended, China's energy supply line will be more secure, and the energy supply line of its competitors will become fragile.

"In the military contest of the United States and China in Asia, it actually includes the influence of energy in the Middle East. This is a specific strategy."

On March 10 this year, Saudi Arabia and Iran's two enemies decided to resume diplomatic relations under the mediation of China, and Beijing showed the world's influence on China in the Middle East.

Chen Guangyan said that the Middle East is seeking a special role in the global economic system led by Beijing and dominated by Beijing. The system will be in parallel and competition with the United States -led system.

The strategic competition between China and the United States has its own "Dragon Boat" each has its own Qianqiu

In order to offset the advantages of the United States in the capital market's strength, advanced technology status, and the US dollar as the global reserve currency, China needs to obtain the support of the huge capital reserves of the Gulf country that is booming.

Chen Guangyan proposed that in the long run, China and the United States have their own advantages in the "Dragon Boat Championship" of strategic competition, and China's strong government's central coordination and long -term development plan for technological competition and strategic development may become it.Key factor in the competition.

He pointed out that in recent years, China has been able to obtain dominant positions in electric vehicles, solar energy and other fields, and cannot be separated from the government's long -term strategic planning, so that everyone can "all the hearts" to draw dragon boats.

And contrary to the evaluation of some Western analysts, the CCP has always had strong adaptability and pragmatic.

But he also reminded that the weakness of this system in China is collective blind spots. "If the dragon boat is collectively drawn in the wrong direction, it will be troublesome, and it will be planned to the deep water ocean."

As for the "dragon boat" in the United States, Chen Guangyan believes that the biggest strength of the United States is that the multi -innovative culture can attract talents from all over the world, but the political differentiation and social division caused by the conflict of multiculturalism will also reduce its overall competitiveness.

In the forum Q & A session, when asked about the reform of China's new round of party and state institutions to further strengthen whether the CCP's centralized and unified leadership will stifle China's economic vitality, Chen Guangyan pointed out that in the past 40 years of reform and opening up, private enterprises have occupied the economy in the economy.Compared with increasing, this general trend is irreversible.

He is metaphorized by a carriage to the Chinese economy. It means that Chinese officials need large and small enterprises when driving, like large and small horses, but do not "Mustang".He metaphorically said that Alibaba's founder Ma Yun tried to challenge central authority, which was a "Mustang". The CCP would avoid a certain private capital to control politics.

This year's "Interpretation of the Two Sessions" forum is based on the theme of "the Chinese Economic Outlook".Since 2020, this forum was co -sponsored by the United Morning Post and China China. Chen Guangyan and Xie Dongming, director of the research head of the Greater China of Overseas Chinese Bank, and Wu Laishun, chief representative of Jibao Enterprise China and president of Jibao Capital, are the guest lecturers this year.Han Yonghong, editor -in -chief of Lianhe Zaobao (China), continued to host.

Guests answer wonderful quotations

● Question: Will China's way of responding to the epidemic last year, will it have any impact on Chinese society and the middle class?

"I chatted with a friend recently, his reply is quite classic. His reply is: the capital is not memorable. When your business environment is good, capital will return."

—— President of Jibao Capital (China)

Wu Laishun

● Question: If China becomes stronger and the United States is getting weaker, will the world be peaceful?

China and the United States seem to be playing boxing, and now it may be in the third game.China may not have played well, and now it seems to be better after recovering.After the rest of the two sides, there are fourth, fifth to fifteenth and twenty games. Who may collapse or who cannot support it, we can't see it.Therefore, we can only analyze and a simple prediction based on the length of each country's own system, but until now, both leaders and main analysts cannot see the big trend of the next five, 10 years, and 15 years.Change is like driving in a strong place for smoke. We are in a very unclear and shocking stage. It is not easy to see too far away.

-Professor of Economics at Nanyang University of Technology

Chen Guangyan