In a diplomatic document of the Chinese Permanent Atomic Energy Agency in the International Atomic Energy Agency on Tuesday (March 21), Britain and the United States have severely criticized Britain and the United States with the latest measures to provide conventional weapons and nuclear -powered submarines to Australia.

According to Bloomberg News on Thursday (23), Li Song, a representative of the Chinese Permanent International Atomic Energy Agency, said in the document that the U.S. -British and Australian Agreement will weaken the efforts to curb the proliferation of weapons -level nuclear fuel and open a new new one for other countries.Swallowing channel.Iran and South Korea are also exploring the acquisition of nuclear -powered submarines. Brazil is committed to building a nuclear -powered submarine fleet.

In the above -mentioned communication distribution distributed by Vienna on Tuesday, Chinese representatives wrote that if the United States and British and Australian partners insist on it, some other countries will inevitably follow, which may eventually lead to the disintegration of the international nuclear non -diffusion mechanism.Essence

Earlier this month, the leaders of the United States, Britain and Australia announced the billions of dollars in nuclear -powered submarine fleet plans. The submarine will exchanges in the Pacific Ocean to curb China.

Chinese representatives accused the United States and Australia of "coercion" international atomic energy agencies for approval of the agreement.A legal vulnerability in the international non -proliferation agreement allows atomic energy agencies to exempt the inspection of weapon -level uranium providing power for vessels at sea. The material can be proven in the premise.

Groas, the director of the International Atomic Energy Agency, said earlier this month that this process involves serious laws and complex technical issues.In the end, the agency must ensure that the above items will not cause the risk of diffusion.