When fighting multi-line explosion in the United States and China, in the United States and China, the multi-line explosion of the United States and China, and the multi-line explosion of the United States and China.In an interview, Microsoft founder Bill Gates believed that the United States could never successfully prevents China from having a powerful chip and said that he was disappointed and worried about the evolution of US -China relations in the past few years.

The Financial Times reported on Thursday (March 2) that Bill Gates accepted an interview with the newspaper podcast show the Rachman Review.When facing the host question, he answered when he asked the United States to prevent the progress of Chinese scientific and technological progress, "I think the United States cannot always successfully stop China from having a powerful chip.Chip.

Bill Gates said that after another five to ten years, China will withdraw funds from the poverty alleviation plan. "This result is just that we can hollow out the idea that we can always sell chips to them."He also said, "You know, we are talking about making your own jet engine, your own software, and your own chip. I think this is a shame, I don’t understand the logic."

Bill Gates also said that considering the scale and speed of China, he does not think that the United States' approach can bring great benefits.

He said: "I hope the United States and China can get along better. The relationship between our two countries seems to be in a trend of deterioration. Even if we have health, innovation, climate, etc.East and West. The most important relationship in the world is US -China relations. I am disappointed and worried about the evolution of this relationship in the past few years. "