(Bloomberg City, Ho Chi Minh City) The Vietnamese Communist Party agreed to nominate the CITIC's relative Wuwen appreciated by the CPPCC. If it was approved by Congress, this will further consolidate Ruan Fughong's control over national economic policies.

Two insiders revealed that a special meeting held on Wednesday (February 28) of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China, nominated by Wu Wenzhan, the secretary of the Central Secretariat, to serve as the President of the State.This nomination on Thursday (February 29) must be voted by Congress to formally pass.

The 52 -year -old Wuwen Award is a member of the Political Bureau of the Central Committee and the youngest secretary of the Central Secretariat in the history of the Communist Party of China.He is the highest level of the candidate of Ruan Fuzhong's intention.

After the former President of Vietnam, Ruan Chunfu, after a number of officials who were exploded during the crown disease and made violations and improper behaviors, it was announced in January this year to announce "responsibility for political responsibility", resigned from the President of the State President, Member of the Political Bureau of the Communist Party of China, 13th session of the 13th sessionMember of the Central Committee, chairman of the National Defense and Security Council, and other party positions and retired.

Ruan Chunfu was once considered one of Ruan Fuzhong's successor, but he was selected in the party two years ago and only served as the President of the State.Ruan Fuzhong, 78, continued to stay, and served as the General Secretary of the Central Committee for the third time.

The General Secretary of the Central Committee, President of the Communist Party of China, President of the Communist Party of China, President of the Government, and President of the Congress are known as the "four -driving carriage" in Vietnam politics.Although the position of President of the State is a symbolic leadership position, it is still second only to the Central Secretary of the Central Committee.

Ruan Fuzhong aims to strengthen more attention and political loyalty

Ruan Chunfu stepped down to open the door for Ruan Fuzhong to arrange his successor. It is expected that he will step down in the National Congress of the Communist Party in 2026, and Wuwen appreciates the most likely successor.

Analysts pointed out that Ruan Fuzhong's series of actions aims to strengthen the Vietnam Communist Party and ensure that the party leadership is firm and strong in ideology like him.

Li Honghe, a researcher at the Easov Issa East South Asian Research Institute in Singapore, said: "It seems that the more he puts integrity and political loyalty on any sage ... You may not be the best candidate in this position, but at least you are honest and honest"

The Vietnamese government's anti -corruption sports list has made at least 500 members of the Communist Party members last last year.Analysts pointed out that the anti -corruption movement and the followers of the leadership made bureaucrats and some investors feel uneasy.In order to avoid being accused of corruption, officials now approve investment projects, especially the construction of real estate and infrastructure construction.

Vietnam's real estate credit crisis is also deteriorating, which may make the Vietnamese economy unable to achieve the goal of 6 % to 6.5 % in 2023.