Nokia President and CEO Guan Lundemak said that the company is expected to continue to benefit from the situation of geopolitical tensions in China and the United States. The United States has recently added a help to Nokia for export restrictions on advanced semiconductors and chip manufacturing equipment.

According to the Wall Street Journal, the U.S. government managed to exclude allies in the procurement of 5G network devices to eliminate Chinese telecommunications equipment manufacturers Huawei, which made Nokia and Sweden Ericsson a major beneficiary, and it is expected that as worship is worshiped with worshipThe landing government launched semiconductor export control over China last October, and this trend will continue in the future.

PEKKA LUNDMARK said in a gap in the World Mobile Communications Conference in Barcelona, "The situation we see now is that the market share of Chinese suppliers in outside China has begun to decline.Trend. This trend did not appear overnight, but gradually developed, but I think that the future trend will continue to be beneficial to us. "

Ryedmak said that in view of the Chinese and Western economyIn close contact, the state and the company seek the risk of reducing its supply chain and avoiding excessive relying on any specific region or country, rather than completely decoupled, which is understandable.

Nokia's own supply chain is limited last year, it is showing signs of improvement, but Londmack said that considering that the delivery time of parts and components for more than one year, the company needs to needOrder for some suppliers for a long time.

Danolmak said that he is expected to have a long delivery cycle and its impact on Nokia cash flow."Overall, we are close to normal. Although there are still bottlenecks in some links, it has been significantly improved now."

When the supply chain problem is relieved, an analyst's main concern about Nokia is that the regional region is the region.Change of trend and its impact on the company's profit margin.In the fourth quarter of 2022, India was the fastest growing area of Nokia, and the company's sales in North America decreased year -on -year.

Lenndmak said: "Although the gross profit margin of the Indian market is very low, the scale is very large. We have calculated that if there is no India, our operating profit margin will be lower. This is because of sales and scaleEffects. "

At the same time, after the operation of operators has launched an unusually considerable investment tide and the previously accumulated telecommunications equipment inventory, the US market is currently undergoing a normalization process.Loremak said that there is still room for further operation in the 5G investment cycle of the United States. The company is expected to perform weakly in the first half of the year, and it will improve in the second half of the year, because economic outlook may be better than before.

Londmack said: "The economy seems to avoid the worst situation that people worry about."