What is the relationship between the balloon?

"This (tiktok) is a spy balloon entering your mobile phone," said Mike Mccaul, Republican member of the House of Representatives and Chairman of the Foreign Affairs Committee.

After the suspected spy balloon storm at the beginning of the month, China and the United States relative in the field of Internet technology.

The White House was ordered on February 27 local time that federal agencies must remove Chinese short video applications TIKTOK within 30 days.The U.S. Congress had voted as early as December last year, banning federal employees from using Tiktok at the official device, and issuing an agency instruction for the Biden government for 60 days.

According to the US official memo by Reuters, the official institution must also use the adjustment of information technology contracts within 90 days to ensure that the supplier does not use Tiktok. In all new bidding documents within 120 days, TIKTOKban.

Chinese Ministry of Foreign Affairs: The United States is too unconfident

For the latest action against Tiktok in the United States, Chinese Foreign Ministry spokesman Mao Ning responded at a regular press conference on the 28th.As the world's number one country, the United States, "It's so afraid of a young man's favorite application software, it is too unconfident."

Mao Ning also said that China has resolutely opposed the concept of generalized national security in the United States and abuse national power, Unreasonable for other countries.She calls for the US government to respect the principles of market economy and fair competition, stop unreasonable companies, and provide an environment of openness, fairness and non -discrimination for enterprises in the United States in the United States.

Not only the United States, the Government of India, Taiwan, the European Union, and the Canadian Government also issued an order to remove Tiktok on the official agencies.The Canadian government followed the pace of the United States and announced on the 27th local time that the official agency would remove Tiktok, saying that Tiktok's risk of privacy and security is "unacceptable."

Hidden China Waixuan Platform?

Privacy and security risks, which are also the two major reasons for the United States and other countries to ban government agencies from using Tiktok.At the end of the investigation, the root cause is that the Chinese government does not trust the Chinese government.

Tiktok's parent company is a Chinese company's byte beating. The Chinese government is beating in the mother byte to hold shares and also represents representatives in the board.Moreover, the national intelligence law promulgated by China in 2017 requires that Chinese companies must provide all user information related to national security.

Although there is no evidence, the byte beating has provided the Chinese government with the user letter collected by TIKTOK, and Tiktok still regards Tiktok as the Trojan horses of Chinese foreign propaganda tools.They are worried that the user data collected by Tiktok may fall into the hands of the Chinese government for espionage.

Another doubt is that Tiktok's algorithm can be used to promote the foreign policy goals of the Chinese government. Whether it is promoting the content that is beneficial to Beijing or by suppression, it is regarded as an unpopular point of view.

Tiktok looks likely a harmless social platform. The content of the push comes from private users, but the content on the platform is wide, not just singing, dancing, cooking and cooking.A long manuscript in the New York Times stated that Tiktok was alleged to be reviewed in China as a political sensitivity, and deleted or covered videos related to "black people's life is also life", Hong Kong protests and suppressing Xinjiang Uyghur videos.

The Chairman of the China House of Representatives and Republican Republican MP Mike Gallagher said that China is using Tiktok to expand its global influence.He also said that the Chinese Communist Party used the set of Chinese people, including strategies, skills and technology, and also used to control the American people.

Anti -tiktok also criticized that TIKTOK's algorithm is easily addicted to users. It can measure the user's habits and preferences. Short videos will be automatically launched one by one, making users addicted to the platform.

67%of the 13th to 17 -year -old youth in the United States use Tiktok

Tiktok to cause the US government to be vigilant, it is its huge user group: 1 billion.Facebook took nearly nine years to reach the number of users, and Tiktok was held in five years.

In the United States, Tiktok has about 80 million users.Pew Research Center statistics show that among American teenagers from 13 to 17 years old, up to 67%use TIKTOK.

It is reported that the average time to watch Tiktok videos daily in the United States is as many as 113 minutes, far better than YouTube (77 minutes), Netflix (52 minutes), Snapchat (90 minutes) and Pinterest.Tiktok has become the new favorite of the millennial generation and the Chinese media that has the greatest influence on Americans.

Ironically, the Bayeng government clearly knows that TIKTOK has a huge spread among the American youth groups. Last year, the official Tiktok Internet celebrity explained to the American young people.Essence

In addition to the federal government, the United States currently has 30 states that state government employees are prohibited from using TIKTOK on equipment owned by the state government.What is currently concerned about is that the United States will completely disable TIKTOK in the next complete disable?

The House of Representatives Diplomatic Affairs Commission led by Republicans is expected to vote on the 28th of this month to authorize the President to expand the TIKTOK ban to all US territory.However, this proposal was criticized by the outside world to infringe the freedom of speech of the American people, and existing Democratic members of the Democratic Party stated that they would not vote for votes.

The House of Representatives Energy and Business Committee plans to hold a special hearing on March 23.Zhou, CEO of Tiktok, is expected to attend at that time.

Bynden was reiterated when asked if Tiktok was completely disabled in February 6 that he still did not decide."I'm not sure, but I know that I don't have it on my own mobile phone."

If Tiktok is completely disabled, you will lose young votes?

Bloomberg analyzed that Tiktok, which is widely used by young people, will lead to the loss of votes of many young people in the 2024 American election in the 2024 American election.

A study of the University of Tofz, USA shows that in the mid -term elections in the United States last November, voters under 30 years of age are the only age group that supports the Democratic Party that greatly surpass the Republican voters. The former supports of the former support.More than 28 percentage points of the latter.

Analysis says that if Tiktok is completely banned from the Democratic supporters of this age group, these angry young people may abandon the Democratic Party President or Candidate candidate in the future elections.

The key in Legislative Management Online Data

A comment article in the New York Times stated that from Google to Twitter to New York Times itself was banned in China, instead of this kind of inconsistencyIt is regarded as unfairness and should even recognize the symbolic significance: when the United States can show the world that it is an open democratic country, the United States will win.Moreover, it is too important to ban TITTOK if it is decoupled to achieve decoupling and may cause revenge.

The article also pointed out that at the technical level, if the Chinese government really wants to collect American information, it can be legally purchased from the data agent that stores the information of the American online event information, but it will take a little more effort.

Therefore, the most effective way is not to fully ban Tiktok, but that Congress promulgates laws to manage online individuals and business data.EssenceThis law is not only suitable for existing applications such as TIKTOK, but also a digital application that constitutes security or privacy issues in the future.

A review article in US foreign policy also pointed out that personal information and data are like water, and they always flow to vulnerabilities and gaps.If you really want to protect US national security, you should face up to data privacy, rather than fully prohibit Tiktok.

The article pointed out that unlike China, the use of the Internet in the United States is free and unconventional, and the government has no technology to block the website."Ironically, Tiktok means that the United States must erected the firewalls used by China now," and the main suppliers of these technologies are in authoritative countries.

The large US non -profit organization "American Citizen Freedom Alliance" (ACLU) also stated that it opposes the US Congress's ban on Tiktok.

The organization's senior policy adviser Levifro said that Congress should not review the entire platform and deprive Americans' constitutional rights for free speech and expression.She said: "We have the right to use Tiktok and other platforms to share our ideas, opinions, and opinions with people from all over the country and around the world."

At the moment when the geopolitical game between China and the United States is increasing, the New York Times described Tiktok's embarrassing situation very well: "It is too Chinese for the United States, and it is too American for China." And as it is too American. "And with the Americanization."The walls on both sides of the Pacific, Tiktok seems to be the first and the last of similar products.

In the atmosphere of a comprehensive turn of the eagle in China, whether American politicians are anti -TIKTOK or anti -China, I am afraid it is difficult to distinguish it for a while.However, it is certain that even if Tiktok escaped the doom that was completely banned in the United States, it must face more stringent political review, and continued to walk on the steel cable on the high -voltage line of the Sino -US game.