(Morning News) Russian President Putin said with Chinese President Xi Jinping on Thursday (September 15) that Moscow understood that China had question" there was questionable questions about the Ukrainian war."And concerns", Western media said that Putin's speech is worthy of attention.

The New York Times reported that when the Russian army suffered a severe decline in Ukraine, Putin was intentionally admitted to Russia's incompetence. Although the words were implicit, it still highlighted that Beijing did not fully support Russia to Ukraine against Ukraine.Invasion.

Putin held a bilateral meeting with Xi Jinping at the Samalham State Hotel on the 15th. This is a face -to -face meeting since the Beijing Winter Olympics in early February this year.

Xi Jinping avoids supporting Russian policy

Although Chinese officials have made some verbal support for the Russian Ukraine war on the West in recent months, Xi Jinping is 15These speeches were not repeated in the TV's TV speech.

It is reported that Xi Jinping is very cautious to avoid any support to Russia's specific policies, and generally outlines the world view of China and Russia.

Chinese officials issued a statement after the two people met that Xi Jinping emphasized that China is willing to support each other with Russia in involving each other's core interests and deepen practical cooperation in the fields of trade, agriculture, and interconnection.

Compared with the meeting before the invasion of Ukraine in Moscow in early February, Xi Jinping's speech on the 15th was significantly different.Xi Jinping and Putin issued a joint statement before the opening of the Beijing Winter Olympics, emphasizing that the strategic partnership between the two parties "has no limit", "there is no end to friendship between the two countries, and there is no restricted area in cooperation."

According to Bloomberg, the US State Department spokesman Puis said that Putin's speech on Xi Jinping was "particularly noticeable".

Purce said that it is obviously not surprising that there is such a concern in China. "It is strange that the person who publicly acknowledged the matter was Putin."

China supports cooling and facing internal criticism of Putin's situation.

China's attitude of being cold or hot has made Putin become more and more difficult, because the Russian army's invasion of Ukraine has been close to seven months, and PutinInside Russia has also faced more and more criticism of how he commands war.

Professor Sergey Radchenko, a professor at Johns Hopkins University, said that Putin is isolated from the West and "seriously weaken his influence on China."

Galaqinke said: "Except China, he (Putin) has no other choice. What Chinese people are best at protecting their own interests."

On the other hand, on the other hand, on the other hand,In an interview with the White House spokesman, Cerbon said in an interview with the United States CNN (CNN) said that China should say no of Russia's invasion.Cerbine said: "The world should be united to oppose Putin's actions."

Russian Foreign Minister Raft Ravorf told the media that the talks between Russia and China are "good."