After the Chinese President Xi Jinping met with Russian President Putin on Thursday (September 15), a spokesman for the US State Department said that China -Russia relations should continue to deepen and should cause concern to the United States and countries around the world.Provide military assistance or systematically help Russia to avoid sanctions to Russia.

According to VOA, the US State Department spokesman Edward Price was asked about the talks between Putin and Xi Jinping and Putin's "concern" when he was asked by Putin in Washington on Thursday.At this stage, he only saw a preliminary statement about the meeting.

But he said: "It is remarkable that President Putin obviously admits that at least the media says that President Xi is concerned about the war of Russia. This kind of concern in China is not surprising.. Some of the curiosity is that it is President Putin who admits this and admits so publicly. "

He said, this is not surprising, because China has tried in recent months in China.Avoid criticism of the Russian and Ukraine War, at least trying to avoid public criticism.

Pois then said, "We see that the deepening of China -Russia relations is not a few days, weeks, or months, but for many years. Of course, we see that this relationship goesIt is closer to. We have expressed our concerns about this deepening relationship, which is also what countries around the world should have the concerns of this relationship. "

Puis said that in the past many monthsThe information received by the United States is that Russia sought military assistance to China, and the United States has expressed it closely to China. If China provides military assistance or systematically help Russia to avoid sanctions that have been implemented, China will pay a "major price"EssenceHowever, Washington did not see Beijing change in this area.

On Thursday, the 35 members of the Board of the International Atomic Energy Agency under the United Nations passed the resolutions of the results of 26 votes, 2 votes against and 7 abstains.Nuclear power plants, the two opposition votes were voted by China and Russia.

Last week, Li Zhanshu, member of the Standing Committee of the Political Bureau of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China and chairman of the Chinese People's Congress, said that China took measures to "understand" the Russia's measures to Russia because they were "forced to the door of the United States and NATO" in Ukraine."And give me response from different aspects."