(Morning News) U.S. President Biden Biden will sign an administrative order on Thursday (September 15) to strengthen the review of foreign investment to protect national security from new threats.

Comprehensive foreign news reports, this administrative order is the first time that the work content of the committee has been updated for the first time since the US Investment Council (CFIUS) under the establishment of the US Department of Finance in 1975.

CFIUS is responsible for reviewing transactions involving national security and has the right to prevent transactions. Most foreign investors must be approved by non -controlling equity of American companies.

The White House said: "This order clearly realizes that some countries use foreign investment to obtain sensitive data and technology to achieve the purpose of harming US national security."

A senior American officialSaid: "This administrative order will help guide the committee, and help enterprises and investors better and early identifying national security risks caused by early recognition of transactions, and help them determine whether to submit applications to CFIUS."

Biden asked officials to weigh the five new factors when they review foreign investors:

  • The impact of transactions on key supply toughness, including military and civilian fields.
  • The impact on the US high -tech leadership in the United States, including microelectronics, artificial intelligence, biotechnology and biological manufacturing, quantum computing, advanced clean energy and climate adaptation technology.
  • Sell a number of companies in the same industry to foreign buyers, which endangers national security.
  • Network security.
  • Risk of personal data of American citizens.