(Manila Bloomberg) Philippine President President Marcos has been in power for more than 70 days, Manila has filed 52 protests to Beijing on the South China Sea issue.

According to Bloomberg, the Philippine Ministry of Foreign Affairs spokesman Teresita Daza said on September 13 that the Ministry of Foreign Affairs is based on China's "invasion" and "illegal existence" in China, including in controversial sea areasProtesting maritime scientific research activities.

The Philippines and China have long been in sovereign disputes in the South China waters.During the six -year term of President Duterte, the Philippines filed 388 protests to China.With less than three months of taking office today, he proposed that the number of protests has surpassed one -fove 10 of Duterte.

Some analysts believe that this shows that the macco government has made a stronger counterattack in the sovereign disputes of the South China Sea.

Earlier, Pagotos promised to solve his tension with China, but he also reiterated that he would not allow any millimeter of ocean and coastal rights to be violated by the Philippines.