(New York Composite Electric) global inflation is high, and the market is worried about the economic slowdown. After the technology industry, the corporate layoffs have blown into the financial industry.According to the market, the internationally renowned investment bank Goldman Sachs Group is preparing to lay off hundreds of people, but the two largest banks in the United States Morgan Chase and the Bank of America are cautious about layoffs.

With the recent interest rate hikes in the Federal Reserve, the financial market environment is tightening, the trading volume of stocks and bonds has decreased sharply, and the prospects are particularly dim. Wall Street bankers are becoming more and more worried that there will be layoffs in the next few months.

Goldman Sachs is layoffs almost every year according to employee performance and control expenditure, and the scale is usually 1%to 5%of the total number of employees.However, in the past two years, this convention was suspended due to factors such as crown disease.However, market rumors will lay off layoffs next week.As of June, Goldman Sachs had about 47,000 employees. If 1%of the layoffs, about 500 employees were unemployed.

The market believes that Goldman Sachs's restarting layoff means that the US financial industry also feels the current market chills. Analysts estimate that Goldman Sachs' profits this year will drop by more than 40%.

President and chief operating officer of JP Morgan warning on Tuesday warning that the layoffs of the economic decline slightly, it may damage future growth.He said: "When the economy declines a little, you must be very cautious and don't lay off for layoffs, because this will damage the possibility of future growth."

Ria Advisors, the chief investment strategist of American investment consulting company, said, said,Whether Morgan Chase's optimism is proven to the time, but history shows that with the Fed actively raising interest rates and reducing the balance sheet, the prospects are more cloudy, and the situation may be worse.

Despite the slowdown of investment banking business, the president of the US Bank of America Monai is satisfied with the number of employees.He said: "When people leave, we will not fill the vacancies. Even so, our condition is still very good."