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(Morning Post) The European Union Commission proposed an emergency intervention in the European energy market on Wednesday (September 14) to alleviate the recent increase in energy prices.The proposal to set up the upper limit of the natural gas price before was not included because of the large disputes.

Xinhua News Agency reported that the main measures proposed by the European Commission include: the membership of the member states will be reduced by at least 5%during the peak period of electricity consumption, and the total power demand will be reduced by at least 10%by March 31, 2023.; For low -cost power generation companies including renewable energy sources, the upper limit of income is set at 180 euros per MWh (about S $ 252); at least 33%of the excess profits generated by oil, natural gas, coal and refining departments are levied at least 33%of the taxes.EssenceThe European Commission said that the latter two measures will help the European Union to raise about 140 billion euros.

Tymemans, Executive Vice Chairman of the European Commission, said at a press conference that these unprecedented measures were necessary to respond to the shortage of energy supply and high energy prices affecting Europe.Reducing power demand is the basis of the success of these measures.The upper limit of huge income settings will promote high -profit energy companies to help users who are in trouble.The era of cheap fossil fuels has ended, and the EU needs to accelerate the transformation of local renewable energy.

Since the outbreak of the Ukrainian crisis, affected by the EU's reflux effect on Russia's sanctions, European energy supply is tight, and natural gas and power prices have soared.In addition, extreme weather this summer has led to a decline in hydropower power generation, and the maintenance and shutdown of some old power plants, the EU power generation has been low in the past few months, further exacerbating the tight energy supply and high prices, which has caused consumers and industry to cause industry and industryThe huge burden suppressed the European economic recovery.

The European Commission's proposal must be supported by most EU member states before they can be approved.The EU Energy Minister plans to hold a special energy conference again on September 30.