Scholars believe that Chinese students who have intended to go to China to study or fight for the Chinese government scholarships in the past three years have shifted their attention to scholarships in South Korea or Japan.Essence

China has affected the country of crown disease in the past three years, and has affected students who intend to go to Thai and Philippines who intend to go to China and Philippine. Some students have turned their attention to Japan and South Korea.Local scholars hope that the Chinese government can accelerate the relaxation of restrictions in order to reverse the trend of "rejuvenation" of Chinese students to learn Chinese.

The Singapore Yusov Isa East South Asian Research Institute recently held a network symposium entitled "Chinese education with Thailand and the Philippines: Change and Continuation". Two lecturers explained the development of Chinese education in Thailand and the Philippines.When questioning and answering questions, both thought the crown disease epidemic and strict entry restrictions have been implemented in China in the past three years, which has impacted the development of Chinese education in Thailand and the Philippines.

Philippine Poor Duo scholarship winner to study through online ways

Jane Yugioksing, Assistant Professor of Chinese Department of Manila, the University of Athens, Philippines, said that many students who intend to go to the Chinese government scholarships in the Philippines have shifted their attention to scholarships from South Korea or Japan.As far as she knows, there are currently no more than 20 scholarship winners waiting for studying in China in the Philippines.

She believes that China's strict control of the border allows many scholarships to finally stay in the Philippines to study online by online ways.

Joshua Agpaoa (30 years old) said in an interview with Lianhe Morning Post that he said that he had completed his master's degree for almost two years through online teaching.Online course.

He said that the challenges facing the Internet are mainly to cooperate with the time difference between international students, sometimes the professor is unfamiliar with online teaching, and the interaction between classmates.

Agbaowa won the Chinese government scholarship in 2020 and studied Chinese research and international relations courses at Jinan University in Guangzhou.He had two classmates who gave up admission before the start of the school, and another classmate chose to drop out of school during the course. The reason is likely to be unable to enter China.

Yu Qiu Xing pointed out that online lessons cannot stimulate students' interest in staying in China, indirectly affecting the interest of Chinese students to learn Chinese, and the demand for local Chinese education is also affected.

She said: "The Chinese government should relax strict entry control. Chinese officials are about to start doing this, but the current problem is that the ticket price is expensive, students are difficult to afford, and there is no allowance in this area."

Sivarin Lrtpusit, a visiting researcher at the regional society and cultural research project of Easov Isa, said that Thailand is also facing similar situations because students who receive Chinese or Thai scholarsA large amount of money.

Chinese talents cannot get high compensation in the Thai labor market. For example, the salary of Japanese translators is double the Chinese translator, which affects people's motivation to learn Chinese.In addition, due to the fierce competition in employment and business in Thai people and overseas Chinese living in Thailand, it has caused local anti -Chinese emotions and affects Chinese needs.

Before the outbreak of the crown disease, Agbaowa had been a lecturer for four years in Chinese universities and experienced local life and culture in person.He said: "Many Philippines now have a negative perception of China. I suggest that interested juniors seize the opportunity to relax Chinese students' entry restrictions and go to China to study.The facts in the aspect, pioneer vision. "