(Morning News) The head of the United Nations Myanmar Investigation Team said that the US social media giant facial book company has submitted millions of pieces to support the proof of proof of the sin and race involved in war in Myanmar involved in war and race.Information items for extinction.

Reuters reports that the United Nations has established a Myanmar issue independent investigation mechanism (referred to as the "Myanmar mechanism" or IIMM) to establish a case file for litigation procedures for national, regional or international courts.The Myanmar mechanism was established in 2018 by the UN Human Rights Council and started operation in 2019.

The person in charge of the Myanmar mechanism Nicholas Koumjian Monday (September 12) at the United Nations Human Rights Council of Geneva said that Facebook company withdraws the number of false accounts in Myanmar with millions of false accountsLet's provide them with the huge information of these Facebook accounts.

Kumji said that in addition to the Facebook company, the Myanmar mechanism also obtains information from more than 200 sources, and revealed that the Myanmar mechanism has prepared 67 "evidence and analysis software packages".The Myanmar mechanism will provide these analysis software packages for judicial officials such as the International Criminal Court and the International Court.

Since October 2016, the Ruokai Royal Against District in northern Myanmar has caused turbulence due to public security cases.In August 2017, the Myanmar Security Force and then launched the "Clear Clear Action" on the Rohingya who had been persecuted for a long time.Urgent and humanitarian emergencies.

In November 2019, Gambia filed a lawsuit against Myanmar in accordance with the convention of the convention of the convention of the extinction race.On July 22 this year, the UN Supreme Judiciary International Court made a ruling in Hague, rejected Myanmar's defense, ruled that the International Court had jurisdiction over the case of Human crimes against Myanmar in Gangabia, and could accept the case.

Last year, the parent company changed its name to Meta Platforms Inc to announce the support of the international community's accountability of the international community's accountability of the crimes committed by Myanmar.

Miranda Sissons, director of human rights policy, issued a statement saying: "(We) have disclosed relevant information to the United Nations investigation mechanism, and also disclosed public information about Gambia."

Myanmar denies race extinction, saying that the Myanmar armed forces carry out legal operations on militants.