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(Morning News) The World Health Organization (September 14) shows that the latest report shows that the number of cases of crown disease epidemic has fallen to the lowest level since March 2020, urging countries around the world to catch thisOne opportunity to completely end the crown disease epidemic.

The Director -General of the WHO Tan Desai said at a press conference that "the world has never been in a better position to end the crown disease" and urges countries to continue to work hard to fight the coronary virus.

Tan Desai added: "We (now) have not reached that step, but the end is at the end."

On the same day, the executive director of the European Drug AdministrationCOOKE said that the time and strategies for the addition of autumn crown diseases between EU countries may be different, but the popularity has not ended. People should consider continuing to take priority to vaccination to obtain protection.

Cook suggested that people inoculate any coronary vaccine and maintain confidence in the protective effectiveness of the vaccine.