(Morning News) Iran promised to continue to cooperate with the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) to urge the agency to" do not succumb to Israel's pressure. "

Israeli Prime Minister Ripid Sunday (September 11) to Germany, trying to start diplomatic dialogue, .

Faced with the pressure of Israel, Iran called on the international atomic agencies not to succumb to the pressure of Israel, but refused to let the international atomic agency investigate the uranium traces of Iran's three locations before the Iran nuclear agreement is restored.He also said that the survey was due to political motivation.

Iranian Foreign Ministry spokesman Nasser Kanaani said at a press conference on Monday: "The constructive cooperation between Iran and the International Atomic Energy Agency is its obligation ... Although Iran has the obligation,But it also has the right. "

On the same day, German Prime Minister Tsugs and Israeli Prime Minister Rapid said at the joint press conference:" I regret that Iran has not made a positive response to European coordinators ...… Iran has no reason to refuse these proposals now. "

Tsutz warns that if Iran continues to adhere to his own opinion, any agreement" cannot be reached in the near future ".

Lagde shows that it is now "when the failure to get rid of the negotiation with Iran ... Iran cannot and will not achieve our goal to prevent Iran from obtaining nuclear weapons."