(Morning News) British King Charles III is called" very important democratic tools "."Keywords/Queen-Elizabeth-II? UTM_Source = Article"> Elizabeth II , selflessly served the country and the people.

Charles on Monday (September 12) after accepting the parliamentary suspension of Congress in the Congress Building, for the first time, he gave a speech to Congress as a king.He said: "I stood in front of you today, and I can't help but feel the heavy history. Let us remind us of the personal commitments made by the two houses to improve the country.. "

" Her Majesty the late Queen promised to serve the country and the people as a valuable principle of the constitutional government as the core of our country when he was very young.Oath. "

" She has established an example of selfless dedication. I am determined to follow this role model with the help of God and your persuasion. "

Charles in SeptemberOn the 9th, when the Buckingham Palace When he delivered a speech to the whole country as a monarch for the first time, he also emphasized that he would imitate his mother and be a competent king.

Prince Harry also expressed his high respect to his grandmother on Monday.

Harry said, "Grandma, although the parting part of the farewell has brought us a huge sadness, but I will always be grateful for all our first time -from my childhood memory, as mine as mine, as mine, my childThe world is all. "

At the same time, Harry also expressed his respect to King Charles."We now respect my father as a new role as King Charles III. Thank you for your promise to the service. Thank you for your promise."Since the death of the Queen, preliminary signs have shown that this alienation relationship may ease.