The Chinese Ministry of Foreign Affairs first announced eight countermeasures for the United States on the second day of Perosi, including the cancellation of the arranged Sino -US theater leaders, China and the United States, China and the United StatesThe Ministry of Defense Conference and the China -US Maritime Military Safety Consultation Mechanism Meeting Meeting.

Mainland China ’s military training operation in the Taiwan Strait cooled down the next day, but the countermeasures for the US House of Representatives Perosi to visit Taiwan became diplomatic war.China ’s Ministry of Foreign Affairs announced on Friday (August 5) that it has suspended and canceled the eight communication mechanisms and cooperation between China and the United States in the fields of military, judicial, climate change, etc., and adopted sanctions on Perosi and its direct relatives.

The analysis of scholars interviewees analyzed that in mainland China this time, the dialogue mechanism and cooperation that has been rebuilt in China and the United States for more than a year has been removed, and almost all of them have been removed.

The Chinese Ministry of Foreign Affairs first announced its anti -countermeasures for the United States on the second day of Pelosi.The Chinese Ministry of Foreign Affairs announced on the evening of the 5th that in response to the strong opposition and righteous negotiations of Perlis, "insisting on visiting Taiwan, China", and implementing eight countermeasures on the United States, including the cancellation of the arrangement of the leadership of the Chinese and American theater leaders, China, China, China, ChinaThe Ministry of Defense's work meeting, as well as the meeting of the China -US military safety consultation mechanism.

Sino -US repatriation, criminal judicial assistance, cracking down on transnational crimes, and cooperation in the field of anti -drugs have been suspended; it was previously considered by the outside world to be a climate -changing discussion on the breakthrough of Sino -US cooperation, and it was also included in the suspension list.

The Ministry of Foreign Affairs of China also pointed out that Pelosi "seriously interfere with China's internal affairs, seriously damage China's sovereignty and territorial integrity, seriously trample on a Chinese principle, and seriously threaten the peace and stability of the Taiwan Strait."

Wang Zhisheng, Secretary -General of the Taiwan Asia -Pacific Elite Exchange Association, was analyzed during an interview with Lianhe Morning Post. In the past year and a half, Chinese officials and US President Biden had an average dialogue every three or four months, showing that the two parties had tacit understanding to rebuild a tacit understanding to reconstruction.Dialogue mechanism.However, Beijing did not hesitate to return the relationship between China and the United States for a long time and relative to relax, and the countermeasures against the US administrative department were unexpectedly expected.

He believes that the mainland is stating to the United States that this is not only a issue in the Taiwan Strait, but also touches the leadership of the Sino -US confrontation; at the same time, let other countries know that if you touch the red line of Taiwan's problem, China is not just a military scary in military scary scaryIt will also stop substantial cooperation.

But Shi Yinhong, a professor of international relations at Renmin University of China, pointed out that there is still room for the mainland this time. Most of the cancellations are specific projects, and the remaining words are "pause"."If the US government has improved in some important aspects, the Chinese government will also take corresponding measures to maintain the stability of Sino -US relations."

G7 batch of the PLA "island" military exercise Wang Yi: confusing right and wrong black and white

The Chinese People's Liberation Army surrounded Taiwan from August 4th to 7th to launch a military exercise, causing criticism of the Seventh Kingdom Group (G7).The G7 Foreign Minister issued a joint statement on the 3rd, accusing Beijing for no reason to use Pelosi to launch aggressive military activities in the Taiwan Strait.

When Chinese State Councilor and Foreign Minister Wang Yi attended the CCTV interview during the CCTV's meeting during the Cambodian cooperation series on the 4th, he severely criticized the G7 statement "confusing right and wrong, reversing black and white", and said that the statement was "a waste paper"Essence

The Ministry of Foreign Affairs of China also summoned the Canadian Embassy in China on the 4th, Ni Jiemin, the Ambassador to China, and the Ambassador to China, and about the Embassy of Europe and the European Union in China.

The PLA launched 11 ballistic missiles on the 4th military exercise on the 4th, causing the situation in the Taiwan Strait to be nervous.However, the training operation was reduced on the 5th, and no new round of missile launch operations appeared yesterday.

The Eastern theater only stated on the official Weibo in the evening that the PLA continued to conduct practical combat joint training on the northern, southwest, and eastern sea and air areas in Taiwan, and continued to test the joint combat capabilities of the theater forces.

The Ministry of National Defense released the news on the evening of the 5th, showing that the PLA sent a total of 68 military aircraft and 13 warships on the day of the PLA continued to act on frequent activities around the Taiwan Strait, and some crossed the midline of the Strait.

James Char, an associate researcher at the Nanyang Institute of Technology Rajelenan International Research Institute in Singapore, pointed out in an interview that the current diplomatic environment is not good for Beijing; if the mainland is too strong in Taiwan's navy, it may face more more than more.Severe consequences are therefore carefully regulating the strength.

The mainland is stating to the United States that this is not only a issue in the Taiwan Strait, but also touches the leader of China -US confrontation. At the same time, it is necessary to let other countries know that if the red line of the Taiwan problem is touched, China is not just a military scary, but also will also be in the military.Stop substantial cooperation.

—— Wang Zhisheng, Secretary -General of Taiwan ’s Asia -Pacific Elite Exchange Association