(Morning Post) US Secretary of State Brills urged the international community to reject the "false election" held by the Burmese military government planned next year, saying that the election was "neither free nor fair."

The Myanmar military launched a coup to take over the regime on the grounds of election fraud in February 2021.At that time, the National Democratic Alliance led by Weng Shan Shuzhi achieved an overwhelming victory in the election.

Reuters reported that Blinken on Friday (August 5) in Phnom Penh, Cambodia, a press conference after the Asian Foreign Minister Conference and a series of conferences that the United States "strongly encourages the international community not to support military and political power to hold false will be held next year.Plan for election.He said, "Under the current conditions, the election is neither free nor fair."

It is reported that the Myanmar military originally promised to re -hold the election within two years and hand over the regime to the election government.In December last year, the military government announced that this date was postponed to August 2023.

Since the coup, Yajia'an has continued to pay attention to the Myanmar crisis, and in April 2021, with the Burmese government leader, Min Anglai reached a five -point consensus on the situation of Myanmar, including stopping violence and building construction with related parties.Sex dialogue.However, this peace plan has not made any progress so far, and Asianan only allows Myanmar non -political representatives to attend the Foreign Minister's meeting.The Burmese military chose absent meetings.

Brinton also called on the international community to "increase economic pressure and take more measures to prevent weapons and income from flowing to Myanmar's military and political power."