(Morning News) Russian President Putin met with Turkish President Erdogan on Friday (August 5).Putin said he hopes to sign an agreement to promote the trade and economic relations between the two countries.

Agence France -Presse reported that Putin said in a talks with Erdogan, who visited in the Black Sea Resort City in the Black Sea Resort City on Friday: "I hope we will be able to sign a copy of trade and economic relations.Related memorandums. "

Erdogan said that he hopes that talks with Putin will open the" different chapters "of relations between the two countries.The last meeting of the leaders of the two countries was the Turkish "Three -Party Summit" held in Tehran three weeks ago.

The contents of the talks between Erdogan and Putin have not been made public, but the Turkish media predicts earlier that they will discuss issues such as the Syrian situation, the Black Sea Grain Corridor Agreement, the Russian and Ukraine conflict, and relations between the two countries.

In July of this year, under the mediation of Turkey and the United Nations, Russia and Ukraine have contributed an agreement to re -open the port of Heihai Port and restore grain exports.Turkish Presidential Communication Director Alten said the agreement proves that the direct diplomatic efforts between Turkey and leaders of the two countries can achieve results, and the international community cannot end the Ukrainian war by ignoring Moscow.

Alten also criticized the role played by other countries.He said: "The fact is that some of our friends don't want the war to end. They are flowing crocodile tears." He said in an unknown way that some countries are actively trying to destroy Turkey's efforts."The international community cannot end the Ukrainian war by ignoring Russia. Diplomacy and peace must be the dominant position."

Since the outbreak of the Russian and Ukraine War, Turkey has been playing a role in mediation crisis.As a member of NATO, Turkey continued to provide weapons to Ukraine, but while criticizing Russia invaded Ukraine, he did not join the ranks of Western countries to sanction Russia.

Alten said: "We hope to use the relationship between Turkey and Russia and Ukraine to work hard to achieve a solution that both sides can accept."