(Morning News) The Malaysian Immigration Bureau records show that there were no exit records after entering the country from 2018 to 2021.The Geedo Islamic Party believes that the federal government should set up an investigation committee to investigate the matter.

According to the Iraqi Party reported on Wednesday (August 3), the Chairman of the Iraqi Party Gigue State Ayerye issued a statement on Tuesday (2nd) that the above data was recently based on the Ministry of the Interior's recent recently.A response to the House of Representatives.He said that according to the 2018 report of the General Audit Office, more than 100,000 tourists from China and India entered the Malaysia country at that time, but there was no outbound record.

Ahmade said that the government should set up a comprehensive investigation of the investigation committee to investigate the matter, including reviewing the government's electronic visa -free (ENTRI) and visa visa (VOA) policies implemented by citizens of Chinese and Indian citizens.He believes that these unknown entryrs may cause crimes of falsification of various types of ID cards such as Malaysia, as well as increasing incidents of illegal immigration crimes.