(Morning News) Russia and North Korea average of supporting China, condemning US House of Representatives Perosi to visit Taiwan to be provoked, emphasizing that China has the right to defend sovereignty.

Reuters reported that the Russian Ministry of Foreign Affairs issued a statement on Tuesday (August 2) saying that "China has the right to take necessary measures to maintain sovereignty and territorial integrity."", The purpose is to curb mainland China.

The Russian Ministry of Foreign Affairs also said: "We urge Washington not to take the stability and international security actions in the area and accept new geopolitical reality, that is, the era of American hegemony has disappeared."

In addition, a spokesman for the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of North Korea said on the 3rd question on the 3rd of the North Korean Society that Pelosi insisted on visiting Taiwan to cause great concern to the international community, saying that the United States shamelessly interfere with China's internal affairs and deliberate political and military provocations, which is to destroy.The culprit of regional peace and security.

A spokesman for the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of North Korea said that China has repeatedly stated that it has resolutely opposed the position of Perosi's visit to Taiwan. It must take resolute and effective measures, and all the consequences caused by it should be borne by the United States.Taiwan is an inseparable part of China's territory. Taiwan's issue belongs to mainland China.

A North Korean spokesman also said that the DPRK condemned and opposed the interference behavior of external forces on the issue of Taiwan, and will fully support the Chinese side to resolutely defend the national sovereignty and territorial integrity.The United States will be frustrated that the United States hinders China to achieve growth and growth and complete the unified cause.

Yonhap News Agency pointed out that Perosi's visit to Taiwan exacerbated the tension of the Taiwan Strait and set off a stormy wave in Sino -US relations.When North Korea has intensified the "New Cold War" pattern to support China, it reflects its intention to work closely with AIA China and Russia.