(Morning News) After the British government's communication headquarters GCHQ issued a warning that the votes may be tampered with by the Internet hacker, the voting activities of the next party and the new Prime Minister of the British ruling party were delayed.

The British Telecom reported on Tuesday (August 2) that the warning released by GCHQ was not a specific threat to hostile countries, but a general warning for the voting process and voting vulnerabilities.

Based on concerns about hackers, the Conservative decision decided not to allow the conservative party members who have voted to change their selection decision in the later stage of the election.

In addition, there are about 160,000 conservative party members who have not received mail votes. The affected party members may not receive mail votes on August 11 at the latest.This batch of votes was originally scheduled to be sent on August 1st.

At present, British Foreign Minister Traz continued to lead the former Treasury Minister Sonak in polls.According to the Thames announcement on the 2nd, Yougov's poll results, Tras's leading advantage has expanded from 18 percentage points about 18 percentage points about two weeks ago to 34 percentage points.

Britain's next Prime Minister will be announced on September 5.