Taiwan Lai Qingde will have a hundred days. The latest polls show that 76.5%of Taiwan people do not agree with Beijing's statement about "the unity of the motherland".Scholars interviewees analyzed that such a public opinion structure is expected to stimulate Beijing to continue to increase anti -independence.

The politicians with green polls released the latest cross -strait relations polls on Monday (August 26) of the Taiwan Public Opinion Foundation on Monday (August 26). There are three major projects, namely the emotional temperature of the Taiwanese to the Chinese government.The identity of Community "and the recognition of the" unity of the motherland ".

In terms of "Taiwanese's emotional temperature for the CCP", the polls present the favor and dislike of political parties with 0 to 100 degrees, and 0 degrees represent the coldest and the strongest dislike; 100 degrees represent the hottest and the strongest.Good feelings; 50 degrees means that there is no feeling, neither goodness nor disgusting.

The results of the survey show that 71.1%of the people participating in the investigation are less than 50 degrees of favorability; 16.2%are just 50 degrees; 8.6%do not know and refuse to answer; only 4.1%of the emotional temperature of the CCP is higher than 50 degrees.From the perspective of the average temperature, the emotional temperature of the CCP as a whole is 17.31 degrees.


Report also shows that if the three records of the three records in 2020, 2021 and 2022, the Taiwanese people have always been the highest on the CCP.

You Yinglong, chairman of the Taiwan Public Opinion Foundation, who has served as the deputy chairman of the Mainland Council during his appointment of the Chen Shui -bian government and has now withdrawn from the DPP.state.If 8.6%of them are completely indifferent to politics, as many as 96%of Taiwanese people will still be either disgusted or feelings about the CCP. Only 4.5%of the Taiwanese people have a good opinion of the CCP.

He believes that most Taiwanese at this moment are extremely disgusted with the Chinese government and "close to death"; this phenomenon spans the boundaries between political parties, generations, gender, education, provincial groups, social classes and geographical areas.

In addition, polls show that in terms of the degree of recognition of the "Community of Cross -Strait Destiny", the proportion of dislikes is as high as 67.1%; 76.5%of the public's discussions on "the unity of the motherland" have opposed it.

Compared with the polls in the Taiwan election in 1996, 44.8%of the adults in Taiwan at that time were in favor of the pursuit of "the unity of the motherland" and 37.2%of the opposition; 28 years later, the supporters of the unified statement decreased by 22.8 percentage points, and the opponents increased increased.39.3 percentage points.

You Yinglong pointed out that in the past 30 years, "the Taiwanese anti -reunification and the pursuit of independence are already the general trend.

Lai Qingde worked for 100 days on Tuesday (August 27). Regarding cross -strait relations, he continued to emphasize that "the Republic of China and the People's Republic of China do not belong to each other."

Wang Hongren, a professor at the Department of Political Science at Taiwan Chenggong University, analyzed in an interview with the United Morning Post. The result of such polls will make the Lai government more confident in the discussion of "not affiliated with each other";Strong, and lock the united front goals in absorbing Taiwan's youth to land in land and increasing the feeling of land to promote the integration of social integration on both sides of the strait.