Taiwan Lai Qingde looks forward to the British officially completed the CPTPP Agreement (CPTPP) enrollment process at the end of this year, and can support Taiwan to join CPTPP with specific actions to strengthen Taiwan and Britain to strengthen cooperation and promote global prosperity together.develop.According to the press release on Monday (August 26) on Monday (August 26), Lai Qingde made the above -mentioned representative of the British office representative John Dennis on the same morning.He pointed out that at the end of last year, Taiwan and the United Kingdom signed the "Raise Trade Partnership Agreement" (ETP). This is the first time in Taiwan to establish further economic and trade relations with European countries.model.

Lai Qingde also thanked Deng Yuanhan for deepening the efforts and contributions of Taiwan -British relations in the past four years, as well as the British government and Congress highly supporting Taiwan's display of cross -party factions.

The United Kingdom officially signed the CPTPP protocol in July last year, and has submitted relevant bills in Congress.At present, there are 11 member states of CPTPP, including Australia, Brunei, Canada, Japan, Malaysia, Singapore and Vietnam.