Ke Wenzhe, the chairman of the Taiwan People's Party, was caught in a political contribution. Some Kuomintang legislators said that the Democratic Progressive Party wanted to use the incident to make Ke Wenzhe and the People's Party "killed".

Comprehensive United News Network and Taiwan reported reports, the Kuomintang legislator Li Yanxiu said on Thursday (August 15) that the prosecution and investigation of Ke Wenzhe's political contribution case was divided into seven ways yesterday, searching for Mu Ke, Shile,, Three Public Relations Companies in Noao, and summoned the chief financial officer, Shile and the heads and employees of the Nover, and transferred the accountant Duan Muzheng and the person in charge of Mu Ke to the North Inspection.The defendant's class was re -protected, which was staggering.

Li Yanxiu said that Zheng Wencan used to live up to the vice president of the Executive Yuan in the past, involving the crime of corruption, and was very close to the fraud group.It was also prepared by the court. No wonder the public was unbelievable, and questioned that the court's prosecution would turn politics.

Li Yanxiu said that the DPP was eager to use the people's party and Ke Wenzhe for the election, votes, and politics, and "killed the Ke Wenzhe and the people party.The Democratic Progressive Party did not really have to fight for greed, but regarded the court's inspection as a political tool.

In addition, Ke Wenzhe himself said in an interview on Thursday that he was interviewed "this is normal."

For the high efficiency of the prosecution, Ke Wenzhe said: "If the government's government is so high, we are very happy."

The Taipei Local Procuratorate on Wednesday (14th)The Command and Investigation Bureau seven locations including the North Machinery Station of the North Machinery Station, and the accounting firms, including the six locations including Duanmuzheng and Li Wenjuan.

Duanmu is ordered to be ordered to pay for the insurance for 2 million yuan (NT $ 81,679), but the insurance was reduced to 1 million yuan because it could not get money.Li Wenjuan paid for 1.5 million yuan.In addition to Duan Muzheng and Li Wenjuan, the then chief financial officer of Ke Sai, Li Wenjuan, Li Wenzong, and Dai Liling, the head of the two companies of Noo and Shile.