The Kuomintang chairman of Taiwan in the wild will be re -elected in 2025. Xiao Xucen, the executive chief of the Ma Ying -jeou Foundation, advocated that the 2028 presidential candidate sent by the Kuomintang should concurrently serve as the party chairman.Essence

Comprehensive Taiwan China Times United Daily reported that Xiao Xuzen pointed out in an interview with a radio program on Tuesday (August 13) that the President of the Kuomintang president was the practice of the party's past, but in 2020, he was Kaohsiung City in 2020The Chang Korean Yu and the mayor of New Taipei in 2024 are not the party chairman, resulting in election and party affairs unable to cooperate with each other.

Xiao Xucen believes that the reputation and image of the Kuomintang cannot be separated from the presidential candidate, just like former President Ma Ying -jeou's election party chairman and proposed "not unified, unique, no martial arts", "if you are running for presidential presidential who is presidential,The route of people and the party is not the same, don't you feel a bit embarrassing?The two -strait discussion of the second consensus "caused Lai Qingde's" mutual affiliation "theory to confuse many people, not only caused harm to cross -strait relations, but also harmed the foundation of the Kuomintang discussion.

Xiao Xucen advocates that since many people are optimistic about Lu Xiuyan challenged the 2028 major position, she should run for the party chairman next year, otherwise she will repeat the mistakes of 2020 and 2024 defeats.

Joint report saying that after Xiao Xuzen's above remarks spread, they immediately set off a wave on the senior officials of the Kuomintang. Many voices in the party questioned Ma Ying -jeou to Lu Xiuyan."What does it mean?" It shows that people and horses have been transferred to the party's chairman election in advance.

In response, Xiao Xucen's interview on Wednesday (August 14) explained that the party chairman to run for president is the past practice of the Kuomintang and the mainstream view of the party.In 2020 and 2024, because the election party affairs did not have two -in -one, the power was dispersed and the integration was not effective.

He emphasized that former President Ma Ying -jeou did not discuss him privately, but Ma Ying -jeou advocated the union of election and party affairs in 2016. This idea has not changed so far."Although yesterday's conversation was my opinion, not the opinion of the former President of Malaysia, but I believe that horses will have the same views."

Xiao Xucen also mentioned that it is not just Lu Xiuyan, if Hou Youyi or the party within the partyOther people intend to run for the president of 2028, in favor of their campaign party chairman.