The Taiwan prosecutor unit searches for the people's political donation and fake accounts, searching for the office of accounting firm and party chairman Ke Wenzhe.

Comprehensive Taiwan Lianhe Daily Free Times reported that the Taipei Procuratorate instructed on Wednesday (August 14) in the morning instructions to hold a search ticket and go to the Duanmuzheng Accountants and Ke Wenzhe Office of the People's Party Accounting Affairs to conductinvestigation.

It is understood that the prosecutor Tang Zhongqing has successively applied to the Supervisory Institute to apply for a license to set up special accounts, receive political contributions, and receive gift receipts to the Supervisory Court.The Taipei District Procuratorate will retrieve relevant documents to Duanmu Masao Accounting Firm and Ke Office to apply for political contributions to the people's party, and interview Duanmu Zheng's explanation.

In response to this survey, the Taipei Procuratorate remained low -key and did not further confirm.

The political offerings during the presidential period of Ke Wenzhe were recently exposed to the account for fake accounts.Yuan) Self -regulating company such as Shile, Noo and Mu Ke, but Duanmu is denied.

After the outbreak, the Taipei Procuratorate was investigated, including the former Taiwan High Prosecutor's Prosecutor Zhang Xihuai, Taipei City Councilor Zhong Xiaoping, and the Taiwan Kenjin Party offered a complaint.At present, the defendants are Ke Wenzhe, his wife Chen Peiqi, Li Wenzong, Mu Ke, Li Wenjuan, and Duanmu Zheng.

The People's Party will also be campaigned by Ke Wenzhe, Huang Shanshan, who led the public to the Taipei District Procuratorate to accuse Duanmu Zhengmu for falsifying the documents on Wednesday at 11 am on Wednesday at 11 am on Wednesday.