The Avant -General Minister of Defense, who is regarded as a popular candidate in Japan, led a group to visit Taiwan this week and met with Taiwan Lai Qingde and Vice President Xiao Meiqin, causing strong dissatisfaction in mainland China.Proposed solemn negotiations.

Shi Panmao summed up the trip to Taiwan, saying that Taiwan and Japan have the same security positions, and the two sides reach consensus to increase the frequency of communication.

Shi Po Mao and former Foreign Minister former Foreign Minister former Hyahara Monday (August 12) jointly led the "Thinking of the Meeting of Safety Guarantee Members" composed of cross -party parliament members to visit Taiwan for three days.Wednesday (14th) ended the trip to Taiwan, and held a small press conference in Taiwan's Ministry of Foreign Affairs to summarize the visit.

According to the Taiwan United News Network, Shi Po Mao said that the visiting group and the leaders of Taiwan's parties, in response to how to ensure the security and stability of the region, and improve the relevant scarlet obstruction, make in all aspects to make in all aspects to make in all aspects to make in all aspects.Opinion exchanges, in the future, hope to increase the frequency, may be based on a few months, and have reached a consensus in this regard.Some media have asked what the highest level of the Liberal Democratic Party in the future, Shi Po Mao said that it will be the level of the director of the director to communicate in Taiwan.

Japanese Prime Minister Kishida announced on Wednesday that he will not participate in the Election of the Liberal Democratic Party leader in September, which means that he will step down as the post of Prime Minister of Japan.Shi Po Mao was regarded as one of the popular candidates for the Liberal Democratic Party and became the next prime minister.

Aiming at Shi Po Mao's visit to Taiwan, a spokesman for the Chinese Embassy in Japan to answer reporters on Wednesday, saying that the Japanese party's relevant politicians and deeds blatantly violate the spirit of the four political documents of China and Japan and the Japanese issue in Taiwan.The commitment made on the top of the promise, rudely interfered in China's internal affairs, and sent an error signal to the "Taiwan independence" split forces.

The spokesman also said that the issue of Taiwan is the core of China's core interests, an insurmountable red line, and no external forces have no right to interfere.