Two Taiwan fishing vessels have recently been detained by Japanese official vessels on the grounds of violations of fishery regulations.The rare statement of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Mainland China emphasized that strictly negotiated to the Japanese side, demanding correction of errors, and taking measures to prevent similar incidents from re -occurring.

Taiwan's "Fuyang No. 266" and "Fishen" fishing boats were successively deducted by Japanese official ships last month on the grounds of violating fishery regulations, and they were released after paying a fine.The Mainland Foreign Affairs Ministry responded to the incident on Friday (August 9th) with a spokesman responding to the question, saying that the government attaches great importance to maintaining the "legitimate interests of Chinese fishermen in Taiwan".Enforcement measures for Chinese fishing vessels in the relevant waters are.

The Ministry of Foreign Affairs emphasized that China has proposed to the Japanese side with a serious negotiation, requiring it to correct the error approach immediately, and take effective measures to prevent similar incidents from happening again.

The fishing boat "Fuyang No. 266" in Keelung, Taiwan, was at 288 northeast of Pengjiayu in the early morning of July 5th, that is, 1.5 nautical miles (2.77 kilometers) outside the Taiwan tentative law enforcement line and was tentatively scheduled to be outside the Japanese official ship.The Aquatic Affairs Department was inspected and buckled.After the official negotiation to the Japanese side, and the Klong District Fisheries Association told the ship owner to propose a guarantee, the captain was released on the afternoon of the day.

The "Fishen" of Yilan nationality fishing boat "Fishen" was suspected of entering Japan's 12 nautical miles of illegal operations.The office assisted the ship owner to pay the deposit and filed a guarantee on behalf of the guarantee. The ship was released on July 30.