Former Taiwan President Ma Ying -jeou said that the DPP government must recognize the reality. If the two sides of the strait began, the United States could not sacrifice its children for Taiwan.

Comprehensive United News Network and Zhongshi Electronics News reported that Ma Ying -jeou was invited to the 27th "Zhongshan Lecture" at the Thai Chinese Guild Hall on Sunday (August 4).

Ma Ying -jeou said that after he stepped down in 2016, cross -strait relations began to retreat, and quickly moved towards tension and confrontation.The key is that after the DPP government came to power, it rejected the "1992 Consensus" of the common political foundation on both sides of the strait, and could not find a new foundation that could be accepted on the other side. As a result, the two sides of the strait faced the dangerous situation without mutual trust or formal communication channels.

He said that if the two sides of the strait go to war, it does not meet the interests of the people on both sides of the strait, nor does it meet the needs of the long -term development of the Chinese nation.It took a few months to barely solve the collision of the collision in Kinmen this year. It was completely unnecessary.

Ma Ying -jeou said that Taiwan's preparation for war has its necessity, but high military expenses are a heavy burden, especially if the military purchase becomes the "payment protection fee" in the mouth of the US presidential candidate Trump, it will drag Taiwan's fiscal fiscalIt is only conducive to the United States military complex.

Ma Ying -jeou said that the DPP government must recognize the reality. It is impossible for the United States to sacrifice their children for Taiwan. If there is a fire on both sides of the strait, the Chinese people on both sides of the strait are all Chinese people.